Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Krestofer

Помогите с заданием по русскому языку, Очень срочно нужно.

Прочитайте, укажите, какие буквы пропущены. Объясните правописание слов. Перепишите, вставляя пропущенные буквы, указывая в скобках родственное слово (или форму слова), обозначая корни и ставя ударение.

Гладкая ш...рстка, узкий ж...лоб, упавшие ж...луди, раствор щ...лочи, мельничный ж...рнов, держаться ч...порно, прочный ш...в, дать пощ...чину, принести беч...вку, совершить подж...г, приобрести по деш...вке.


Автор ответа: dzhulyetta1
Гладкая ШЁРСТка (ШЕРСТь),
узкий ЖЁЛОБ (ЖЕЛОБа´),
упавшие ЖЁЛУДи (ЖЕЛУДёвый),
раствор ЩЁЛОЧи (ЩЕЛОЧно´й),
мельничный ЖЁРНОВ (ЖЕРНОВа´),
держаться ЧОПОРНо (ЧО´ПОРНость),
прочный ШОВ (ШО´Вный),
дать поЩЁЧину (ЩЕКа´),
принести БЕЧЁВку (БЕЧЕВа´),
совершить подЖО´Г (существ.),
приобрести по ДЕШЁВке (ДЕШЕВизна´).
**Ё – всегда ударная, ударение не обозначается.   
   В словах, состоящих из одного слога, ударение не обозначается.
   КОРНИ выделены (обозначить ͡   ).
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Fill in who or which.

1. I know a girl likes apple with sugar.

2. The newspaper I read yesterday was the Times.

3. A butcher is a man sells meat.

4. The man was arrested stole my bike.

5. The book is lying on the table is very old.

6. The snow fell last night caused a traffic jam.

7. Can you help the boy has lost his glasses?

8. The hat is made of straw belongs to my father.

9. I don't like pudding is too sweet.

10. The train to London arrives at 30 is late.

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There tire five types of schools in the US educational system, They wro, kindergarten, school, middle school, school and school, Children go to kindergarten when they are 5 years old hey go to elementary school trom 6 through (1+5 grades), middle school from agen 12 through 14 (6-8 proden) ond high school from 15 through 19 (9-12 grades).

About 90 percent of all children public school, in from. The other 10 percent private schools, which often include education. They similar to the but parents must pay for their children to go to these schools. About half af all privite schools are run by Cutholics,

In the United States, education is mainly the responsibility of state and local governments, not the national government. The amount of money spent on education differs from state to state. The subjects studied differ a little, The school year runn from September to June, the high school level, there are some schools, They include schools that emphasize vocational subjects like business or auto mechanica, Mont high schools are schools. High school students are often involved in the non-acidemic activities that their school offers -for clubs, example, in drama clubs, sports teams, or the school newspaper.