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Translate the sentences into English.
1. Здесь недостаточно места для твоего велосипеда.
2. Принеси мне, пожалуйста, стакан воды.
3. Спроси совета у своего отца. У него большой опыт.
4. Хорошее знание местных традиций всегда помогает ей.
5. Я надеюсь, он получит хорошее образование.
6. Она ездит на море три раза в год.
7. Как прошло ваше путешествие? — Спасибо, я прекрасно провел
1.there is no place enough for your bicycle
2. Bring me ,please, a glass of water
3. Ask father for advice. He has great expirience
4. Good knowledge of local traditions always help her
5. I hope, he will take good education
6. She goes to seaside three times a year
7. How was your trip? - Thanks, i spent it excelent
1. There is no enough place for your bike
2. Bring me a glass of water, please.
3. Ask your father's advice. He has a great expirience.
4. Good knowledge of local traditions always helps her.
5. I hope he will take good education.
6. She goes to the seaside three times a year.
7. How did your trip last? - Thanks, I spent a nice time there.