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Автор ответа: sushkovalera220982
Однажды зимним утром выглянуло солнышко.Оно светило ярко-ярко.Маленькие животные повыходили из своих домиков.Птички начали петь песни.Все радовались солнышку!Мышки ,белочки и кролики проснулись после долгой и морозной ночки.Им было так приятно погреться под солнышком! Снег после вчерашней метели лежал ровным ковром.Солнечные лучи скользили по нему как на коньках.Все оценили зимний подарок!

Автор ответа: Анна12511
у нас наступила весна. вышло солнышко птички вылезли из Италии с юга было все прекрасно и вдруг одним вечером У нас пришел Мороз он был сердитый излился что весна не уступила место ему а пока Мороз говорил нам про это Он Тайм из-за Солнышко в тот день было очень жарко даже вечером
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The United Kingdom consists of a group of islands
off the northwest coast of Europe. It is a country
made up of four nations: England, Wales, Scotland,
and Northern Ireland. England, Wales, and
Scotland also make up Great Britain. Much of the
north and west of the U.K. is covered in mountains
with deep valleys. In the south of England, the coun-
tryside is hilly.
2. Sports and literature are very popular in the United
Kingdom. Soccer, rugby, cricket, boxing, and golf
were all invented in Britain. The U.K. has many
great writers, including William Shakespeare,
Charles Dickens, and Robert Burns. J.K. Rowling,
the author of the Harry Potter books, is British.
3. Britain’s system of government has developed over
many centuries. In the past, kings ruled with advice
from a council of religious leaders and nobles. This
council then became Parliament, which now passes
all the country’s laws. Today, the monarch, who can
be a king or queen, has no real power.
4. The first people who lived in the United Kingdom
were the Picts, who arrived about 10,000 years ago.
In the eighth century B.C., the Celts arrived from
Europe and pushed the Picts north into Scotland. In
A.D. 43, the Romans ruled for about 400 years. They
built roads, bathhouses, and large villas.
By the sixth century A.D., German peoples known
as Angles, Jutes, and Saxons moved into Britain.
The Angles gave their name to England, and
English people became known as Anglo-Saxons.
From the 900s to the 1400s, England was ruled by
Viking, Danish, and Norman people.
By the 1800s, Britain was one of the most power-
ful nations in the world and the country built a big
empire. But in the 20th century Britain could not
keep its empire, and most of its colonies became