Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Сюмбель11

Подберите и запишите существительные, обозначающие состояние, настроение, чувства человекаь(радость, восторг, огорчение и т. д.).Напишите над ними их род и склонение. Скажите пппппппжжжжж срочно нужно;*)


Автор ответа: полина263
Ярость (ж.р. 3 скл.) , грусть(ж. р. 3 скл.) , спокойствие(сред.р. 2 скл.) , умеротворение (сред.р. 2 скл.) Пишите в комментарии сколько надо слов - я допишу

Сюмбель11: спасибо
Автор ответа: zhenyaM2002
Тоска, обида, вражда, мука  (ж.р., 1 скл.). 
Уныние  , огорчение, переживание,  безразличие, равнодушие, страдание, веселье, ликование , восхищение, наслаждение, обожание , увлечение, уважение, почтение  (с.р. 2 скл.) ;  
Страх, ужас, восторг ( м.р.,  2 скл.).
Грусть, горечь, ненависть,  злость, радость, любовь , нежность, влюбленность  ( ж.р., 3 скл.) .

Сюмбель11: спасибо
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Добрый день. Помогите пожалуйста с двумя заданиями. Заранее очень благодарю, и даю 100 баллов.
Task 1. Choose the best answer.
1. We do NOT use (degrees) to measure
a. an athlete's running speed.
b. a sick person's temperature.
c. the angles of a triangle
2. If an animal (exists), then
a. it is too dangerous to keep as a pet.
b. you can only read about it in books.
c. you might see one in nature.
3. Antonio is (bold);
a. he gets nervous about trying something new at work.
b. he's a good businessman because he takes chances.
c. he learns by reading and talking to others.
4. If Gosha is (certain) of his answer on a test, how sure is he that his answer is correct?
a. less than 50%
b. 50%
c. 100%
5. Which of the following is (shallow)?
a. a deep swimming pool
b. a tall glass of water
c. a small saucer of milk
6. Which of the following CANNOT (rise)?
a. the number of students at your school
b. the price of a hot lunch at the school cafeteria
c. the rules for how students can dress at your school
7. The largest (creature) on this planet is
a. Asia.
b. the Atlantic Ocean.
c. the blue whale.
8. As a guest in our home, Shizuko learned the (patterns) of American family life and
a. made many of our practices her own.
b. asked us how to say or write them correctly.
c. took the recipes back to Japan to share with her family.
9. What can easily (stick) to the bottom of your shoe?
a. a banana peel
b. bubble gum
c. snow

TASK 2. Read each sentence and match the word in () with the correct definition.
1. Tia decided to forget all her fears about performing and (boldly) walked on stage.
2. Scientists become excited about the (existence) of rare plants.
3. The president could not say with (certainly) that his plan would work.
4. Reporters can't be afraid of asking too many questions; (boldness) is part of the job.
5. On my first day of school, I was (uncertain) about finding my first class.
a. the state of being completely sure about something
b. not completely sure
c. the state of being real or alive
d. the quality of being confident and willing to take risks
e. in a way that shows you are confident and willing to take risks