1. Образуйте множественное число существительных:
a baby, a lady, a bag, a tie, a bed, city, a day, a man, a page, a box,a party, a mass, a child, a dish, a class, a tooth, a woman, an inch .
2. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be.
1. He ... a student. 2. They ... brothers. 3. We ... friends. 4. She ... my aunt. 5. You ... a hadsome fellow. 6. I ... tall and well-built. 7. Where ... you from? 8. How old ... you? 9. I ... glad to see you. 10. What ... your aunt's name? 11. The dog ... in the park. 12. That book ... on the table. 13. ... Tom and Boob good football players? 14. My parents ... travel agents.
babies, ladies, bags, ties, beds, cities, days, men, pages, boxes, parties, masses, children, dishes, classes, teeth, women, inches .
1. He is a student. 2. They are brothers. 3. We are friends. 4. She . is my aunt. 5. You area hadsome fellow. 6. I am tall and well-built. 7. Where are you from? 8. How old are you? 9. I am glad to see you. 10. What is your aunt's name? 11. The dog is in the park. 12. That book is on the table. 13. AreTom and Boob good football players? 14. My parents are travel agents.