Предмет: Биология, автор: SashaBell57

какой вред наносят ядовитые паукообразные?


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пожалуйста очень нужно помогите даю 100 баллов 2,3 упражнение
Adapted from The Voyage by Katherine Mansfield The Picton boat was due to leave at half past eleven. It was a

beautiful night. mild. starry with a light wind. It was dark in the part very dark. fenella's father walked quickly. Beside him, her grandma walked along in her long, black coat. As well as her luggage. Fenella carried her grandma's umbrella: "First whistle said her father, and at that moment they saw the Picton boat You could see the boat in the dark night because it was covered in golden lights: it looked ready to travel among the stars. not in the cold sea. People walked along the gangway. First her grandma, then her father, then Fenella. They moved out of the way of the other passengers and stood under the stairs and began to say good-bye. "There, Mother, there's your luggage!" said Fenella's father, giving Grandma another bag Thank you, Frank. And have you got your cabin tickets safe? Yes, dear. And your other tickets? Grandma felt inside her pocket and showed him the tickets. "That's right. He sounded angry, but Fenella saw that he looked tired and sad They heard the second whistle above their heads, "You'll give my love to father, Fenella heard him say, Grandma was a little worried and answered, "Of course I will, Frank. Go now. You'll be left on the boat. Go now, Frank Go now It's alright. Mother. I've got another three minutes. To her surprise. Fenella saw her father take off his hat. He heid Grandma in his arms. Fenella turned her back on them and looked at the little green star high up on the ship She turned round again because her father was about to leave.

Good-bye Fenella Be a good girl. Fenella held onto his coat. How long am I going to stay?" she whispered He didn't look at her but he said kindly. We'll see about that. Here! Where's your hand? He gave her a shilling That's for the Journey. A shilling! That was a lot of money. 'Am I going away forever thought Fenella. Father fenella cried. But he was gone. He was the last person off the ship.