Напишите пожалуйста письмо на английском, об интересном случае (60-70)слов
Studying biographies of famous people sometimes come across interesting facts about their life. So, Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev (1686-1750), author of the famous "History of Russia", knew the time of his death. Two days before his death, he called the priest confessed and prepared himself for eternity. He died shortly after reading the Gospel.
I was not the first time I read and hear stories about what religious people feel the approach of his death. For example, one man told me about his grandmother, deeply religious woman who said all her household, she would soon go away to another world, she already hear choirs of angels, but she was completely sane (people close to death there are hallucinations, clouding judgment, they confuse reality with delusion, I saw it - an eerie sight.) And one day, she got up as usual in the morning, cleaned up the house, swept the yard, lay down on the bed, folded her hands, closed her eyes, and with a serene face stepped into eternity. Here's a story ...
Привет. однажды у меня случился очень интересный случай. Я гулял по улецы. И познакомился с мальчиком .Он мне показался странным , но я не подал этому внимания. НАчал говорить с ним на всякие темы но у нас появились соры и я ушол. НА следущее утро мне мама сказала что мы поедем на море ,и я был рад. Но мама добавила что мы поедем на море с её далекими родственниками .Но меня это не смущала.
И Мама пригласила их на ужин и я увидел знакомое лицо это был тот мальчик...БЫло жутку смешно ведь я не когда не думал что бывают совпадения.
Мы поехали на море и все было велеколепно.
Hey. Once I had a very interesting case. I walked the uletsy. And he met with the boy. It seemed to me strange, but I did not file this attention. Began to speak to him on any topic was interesting. The next morning my mother told me that we will go to the sea, and I was glad. But mom added that we will go to sea with her distant relatives. But I do not care.
And Mom invited them to dinner, and I saw a familiar face that was the boy ... It was terribly funny because when I did not think that there are coincidences.
We went to the sea and everything was fine