Помогите с заданием, нужно достроить эту историю с выражениями, которые даны посде вступления:Inspector Brown was staying up late: there was some work to be done. His policy had always been not to leave any work unfinished. At 11 pm he suddenly found out that he had run out of tobacco for his pipe. inspector brown dressed and started for the corner shop which was open all night .............................. the shadow of a woman -emerged into the street from the neighbour's house -could identify noticed the inspector -tried to run away -caught her by the hand - revealed her face - in the moonlight - a ravishing beauty - frightened , trembling and about to collapse- head out her story - the head of a flourishing company - inherited -a corrupted partner - stole the valuable papers of great significance - the most dramatic moment in her life - could force her future - her aim was to get the papers back - stole into the house at night - the box comprised her documents - took her home - reported to the police- the criminal partner was arrested - proposed to the beautiful victim -united their lives - happy and content
Inspector Brown was staying up late: there was some work to be done. His policy had always been not to leave any work unfinished. At 11 pm he suddenly found out that he had run out of tobacco for his pipe. Inspector Brown dressed and started for the corner shop which was open all night...
As he was going back from the shop, he noticed a shadow. He looked more closely and saw it was the shadow of a young woman. She obviously had emerged into the street from the neighbour's house. Brown thought he could identify the woman and started walking towards her. But she noticed the inspector and tried to run away. In no time he sprang forward and caught her by the hand. The woman gave a cry and revealed her face. In the dim light of the street lamps the inspector saw she was a ravishing beauty. However, the woman was frightened, trembling and about to collapse. "Please, calm down, Ma'am," said the inspector. "I'm Inspector Brown. You have nothing to be afraid of. Can I help you?"
He invited her to his home and there they talked for several hours — Brown heard out her story. The woman's father was the head of a flourishing company. He died a month ago and the woman — her name was Jillian — inherited her father's part of the company. Soon she found out that the business was in trouble because of a corrupted partner who had stolen some valuable papers of great significance. So that was the most dramatic moment in her life. Jillian didn't know what to do and there was nobody to help her. She had hoped she could force her future partner to stop any illegal activities. That's why her aim was to get the papers back.
The inspector decided to help Jillian. They had a quick smart plan. The next weekend Jillian invited the corrupted partner to have a late dinner at a restaurant. While they were having the meal Brown stole into the partner's house and found the box that comprised Jillian's documents. The next day Jillian reported to the police and the criminal partner was arrested.
Soon the inspector proposed to the beautiful victim and they united their lives. Finally they were happy and content together.