Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: ddeeeeeeee
Нью-Йорк (New York)Нью-Йорк (New York City) - крупнейший город в США с населением свыше 8,3 миллиона человек. Является экономическим и финансовым центром Соединенных Штатов Америки. Административные населенные пункты, фактически слившиеся с Нью-Йорком: Йонкерс (Yonkers, 200 тыс.чел) на севере, Патерсон (Paterson, 150 тыс.чел) на северо-западе, Ньюарк (Newark, 280 тыс.чел) и Джерси-Сити (Jersey City, 250 тыс.чел) на западе, Элизабет (Elizabeth, 130 тыс.чел) на юго-западе. Поэтому, говоря о таком колоссальном мегаполисе, часто опускают административные деления и под Нью-Йорком подразумевают громадную агломерацию, а не только сам Нью-Йорк Сити.
Расположенный на северо-востоке США на берегу Атлантического океана Нью-Йорк занимает площадь в 790 квадратных километров и является самым густонаселенным из больших американских городов. На квадратный километр в среднем в Нью-Йорке приходится более 10600 жителей. В то же время размер Большого Нью-Йорка еще более впечатляет. Он раскинулся на территории сразу трех штатов и занимает громадную площадь в 17,4 тысяч квадратных километров.
Стоит заметить, что помимо административного деления в городе существует множество кварталов со своими отличительными особенностями и историей. По таким признакам выделяют сотни районов, каждый из которых имеет собственный характер. Стоит отметить, что недавно Нью-Йорк был признан самым приспособленным мегаполисом для пеших прогулок, чему не мало способствовало наличие пеших зон в разных районах города.
Нью-Йорк - это образец мощи, гигантизма и размаха, сплетение культур и стилей, разнообразие языков. Это лучшие в мире образцы искусства, архитектуры, музыки, и моды. Неудивительно, что каждый год Нью-Йорк посещают свыше 47 миллионов только иностранных туристов. Для Нью-Йорка характерны две ключевых городских черты: разнообразие и плотность. Нью-Йорк необыкновенно разнообразный город. Являясь одним из центров притяжения иммигрантов, он стал домом для миллионов выходцев со всего мира. По статистике 36% жителей родились не в США. Стоит заметить, что для столь большого и многорасового города уровень преступности держится на приемлемом уровне. Так в статистических чартах Нью-Йорк находится в конце второй сотни по уровню криминала среди городов с населением свыше 100 тысяч человек. Климат в Нью-Йорке классифицируется как влажный субтропический. При этом Нью-Йорк самый северный город в Северной Америке с субтропическим климатом. Летом в городе жаркое и влажное со средней температурой 22-25 С. Зимой в Нью-Йорке теплее, чем в Чикаго .Тем не менее, зимой не редки дни, когда температура может значительно опускаться или подниматься относительно нуля. Весна и осень относительно мягкие
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New York (New York City) - the largest city in the US with a population of over 8.3 million people. It is an economic and financial center of the United States.
Administrative villages, actually merged with New York: Yonkers (Yonkers, 200 thousand) in the north, Paterson (Paterson, 150 thousand) in the northwest, Newark (Newark, 280 thousand) and Jersey City (Jersey City, 250 thousand) in the west, Elizabeth (Elizabeth, 130 thousand) in the southwest. Therefore, speaking about such a colossal metropolis often lowered administrative division and near New York meant a huge agglomeration, not only the New York City. Located in the northeast of the United States on the Atlantic coast of New York it covers an area of 790 square kilometers and is the most populous of the great American cities.Per square kilometer on average in New York has more than 10,600 residents. At the same time the size of Greater New York is even more impressive.It is situated on the territory of three states and covers a huge area of 17.4 thousand square kilometers. It is worth noting that in addition to the administrative division of the city there are many neighborhoods with distinctive features and history.On such grounds recovered hundreds areas, each of which has its own character.It is worth noting that the recent New York was named the most suited for hiking metropolis, which is not little to the presence of pedestrian zones in different parts of the cityNew York - is an example of the power, gigantism and scope, interweaving of cultures and styles, a variety of languages. It's the world's best examples of art, architecture, music, and fashion.No wonder that every year the New York attended by more than 47 million foreign tourists only.For New York, the city is characterized by two key features: variety and density.New York incredibly diverse city.Being one of the centers of attraction of immigrants, it has become home to millions of immigrants from around the world.According to statistics, 36% of the residents were not born in the United States.It is worth noting that for such a large and multi-racial city crime rate is kept at an acceptable level.So statistical charts in New York at the end of the second hundred in the level of crime among cities with populations over 100 thousand people.The climate in New York is classified as humid subtropical.This New York City is the northernmost city in North America with a subtropical climate.In summer, the city is hot and humid with an average temperature of 22-25 C. Winter in New York is warmer than in Chicago.However, winter is not rare days when the temperature can significantly lowered or raised relative to zero.Spring and autumn are relatively mild.
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Administrative villages, actually merged with New York: Yonkers (Yonkers, 200 thousand) in the north, Paterson (Paterson, 150 thousand) in the northwest, Newark (Newark, 280 thousand) and Jersey City (Jersey City, 250 thousand) in the west, Elizabeth (Elizabeth, 130 thousand) in the southwest. Therefore, speaking about such a colossal metropolis often lowered administrative division and near New York meant a huge agglomeration, not only the New York City. Located in the northeast of the United States on the Atlantic coast of New York it covers an area of 790 square kilometers and is the most populous of the great American cities.Per square kilometer on average in New York has more than 10,600 residents. At the same time the size of Greater New York is even more impressive.It is situated on the territory of three states and covers a huge area of 17.4 thousand square kilometers. It is worth noting that in addition to the administrative division of the city there are many neighborhoods with distinctive features and history.On such grounds recovered hundreds areas, each of which has its own character.It is worth noting that the recent New York was named the most suited for hiking metropolis, which is not little to the presence of pedestrian zones in different parts of the cityNew York - is an example of the power, gigantism and scope, interweaving of cultures and styles, a variety of languages. It's the world's best examples of art, architecture, music, and fashion.No wonder that every year the New York attended by more than 47 million foreign tourists only.For New York, the city is characterized by two key features: variety and density.New York incredibly diverse city.Being one of the centers of attraction of immigrants, it has become home to millions of immigrants from around the world.According to statistics, 36% of the residents were not born in the United States.It is worth noting that for such a large and multi-racial city crime rate is kept at an acceptable level.So statistical charts in New York at the end of the second hundred in the level of crime among cities with populations over 100 thousand people.The climate in New York is classified as humid subtropical.This New York City is the northernmost city in North America with a subtropical climate.In summer, the city is hot and humid with an average temperature of 22-25 C. Winter in New York is warmer than in Chicago.However, winter is not rare days when the temperature can significantly lowered or raised relative to zero.Spring and autumn are relatively mild.
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Administrative villages, actually merged with New York: Yonkers (Yonkers, 200 thousand) in the north, Paterson (Paterson, 150 thousand) in the northwest, Newark (Newark, 280 thousand) and Jersey City (Jersey City, 250 thousand) in the west, Elizabeth (Elizabeth, 130 thousand) in the southwest. Therefore, speaking about such a colossal me