Предмет: Английский язык, автор: kuka09

Use the words from the box in the right forms to complete the sentences (cruel, cruelty, thrill, thrilling, devote, devotion, connect, connection,
possible, impossible, character, characteristic)
1) It is ...... to sing and eat at the same time. 2) Everybody knows about Mar's ..... to her family and children. 3) That kind of behavior is not ........ of him. 4) I have no ......... with their family. 5) I think there are two ....... answers to his question. 6) There are six ......... in the play. 7) The man was very ..... to his dog - he often forgot to feed the poor animal. 8) This road ..... the two farms. 9) Julia ...... her life to music. 10) Going to the sea was a ..... idea, we all loved seaside holidays. 11) I hate ...... In children. Kids should be kinder to each other. 12) It was a great ...... to win the first prize.


Автор ответа: vikatish
 1) It is impossible to sing and eat at the same time. 2) Everybody knows about Mar's devotion to her family and children. 3) That kind of behavior is not characteristic of him. 4) I have no connection with their family. 5) I think there are two possible answers to his question. 6) There are six characters in the play. 7) The man was very cruel to his dog - he often forgot to feed the poor animal. 8) This road connects the two farms. 9) Julia devotes her life to music. 10) Going to the sea was a thrilling idea, we all loved seaside holidays. 11) I hate cruelty in children. Kids should be kinder to each other. 12) It was a great thrill to win the first prize.

kuka09: Спасибо большое!
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