Предмет: Русский язык, автор: bizhanovaaliya

почему грибы разделили на сьедобные и несьедобные


Автор ответа: 123ВасяясаВ321
Потому что одни безвредны для нашего организма, и их можно употреблять в пищу, а другие наоборот, вредные для нашего организма и есть категорически нельзя!

Автор ответа: JustPlay
Пошёл ты в лес и увидел там красивый красный гриб. Отнёс его домой, отдал маме. Мама из него сварила суп. Все родители уселись за стол и съели этот суп, а потом отравились. Вот, что было бы если грибы не были поделены на съедобные и несъедобные!
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: MorgaMargo
2 Read the text and choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.
Charity fundraiser

Recently my whole class got involved in doing some fundraising for charity, but there were some restrictions given to us by our teacher. For example, you’re 1 __________ to make money if you make cakes and sell them.
A allowed
B unable
C meant
D certain
But to do that you are 2 _________ to spend money.
A permitted
B required
C need
D succeeded
Our teacher told us we were not 3 _________ to buy any products.
A allowed
B managed
C certain
D sure
You’re also 4 ________ to raise funds if you ask your parents and family friends,
A have
B unlikely
C bound
D obliged
But we felt it would be too easy and we 5 _______ to make more of an effort ourselves, not just ask for money.
A ought
B bound
C sure
D required
We raised money in a few different ways. One team 6 _______ in putting on a performance and selling tickets.
A managed
B obliged
C permitted
D succeeded
They made the tickets out of scrap paper from the classroom and they 7 _______ to make a lot of money.

A needed
B managed
C allowed
D had
Another group was 8 ________ to help the environment so they organized teams of people to pick up litter in the streets and keep the local parks tidy. We were able to raise a large amount of money for various charities.
A meant
B permitted
C likely
D ought
I really enjoyed the experience and I’m 9 ________ to keep doing my part to help our world in the future.

A succeeded
B ought
C unable
D sure
Предмет: Математика, автор: lunkinv4