Предмет: Русский язык, автор: artem281011

Помогите пожалуйста, ....Красноголовые подосиновики, зеленоватые и розоватые сыроежки, скользкие грузди и душистые рыжики. На старых больших пнях жмутся друг к другу тонконогие опёнки.... Выпиши из предложения слова в которых звуков больше чем букв? Найди в предложении слова с орфограммой " Правописание парных согласных" . Выпиши их в том виде, в каком они записаны?


Автор ответа: sonyaburnyakov
сыроежки-слово в котором звуком больше чем букв. Скользкие,друг-слова с орфограммой
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: janshdhxh
Aidary a Ahmed Class: 51E
Reading Comprehension: The Weather in the UK
Read the following passage and then complete the task below:
The weather in England is mild, dry or wet and windy in
autumn. It is a beautiful season because all the leaves
change colour to a golden yellow, orangey-red and lots of
golden brown. It isn't usually cold in October and
November, but it is windy and wet some days. Some
mornings get foggy, making it difficult to dive into work
or walk to school. Winter, on the other hand, is usually
freezing. The temperature falls below zero. It may snow
once or twice and there are stormy winds. There is frost
on the pavements and roads in the early morning. Children like to slide down slopes
and build snowmen if it snows heavily enough. Spring is the best season because it is
warm again after the long, cold, wet and foggy winter days. All the trees are full of
new green leaves and you can see lovely spring flowers like daffodils everywhere. The
weather in spring is not always nice in April. It often rains and there can be strong
winds too. Sometimes it's cloudy, but it is warm and sunny most of the time. The best
season is summer with blue skies and lots of sunshine. It tends to get very hot in July
and August when all the fans come out at night and beach visits are more regular.
Answer the following in full sentences:
Date: 20922
1. What is the weather like in Autumn? mild dng wet and windy
2. What is the weather like in October & November? windu and wet somed
3. Is winter cold in England? Is cold, the temp. falls below zero.
4. What is the weather like in the winter?
5. Does it snow in the winter? yes.
6. What do children build? to build snowman
7. Is spring nice? Yes.
8. How are the trees in spring? the trees are full of new green leaves
9.Does it rain in April?
10. How is the weather in spring?.
11. Are there any flowers in spring?.
12. When is it hot in the UK? In summer
Discussion: What is the weather like in your country? Which is your favourite seasom
of the year?