Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Аноним

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Так мы сидели с ней друг против друга, в пальто, застёгнутых на все пуговицы. очень нужно


Автор ответа: tanyaivantsova
Так мы сидели с ней друг против друга, в пальто, застёгнутых на все пуговицы.
Автор ответа: PPKMASTER
"застегнутых на все пуговицы"
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: vikakras495
1. a picture drawn with pencils or pens is called...
а) painting b) drawing c) picture
2. a picture drawn with pencils or pens is called...
а) A sitter is b) A seascape is c) A landscape is d) A portrait is
3.Translate into Ukrainian: an exhibit
а) стиль експозиції b) включати c) експонат d) екзистенціалізм
4. Translate into Ukrainian: to be inspired, a scenery, to portray
а) натхненний, сцена, портрет b) бути натхненним, сцена, зображувати
c) бути натхненним, декорації, зображувати d) бути натхненним, декорації, портрет
5. This is a person who produces art, especially paintings or drawings
а) an actor b) a sitter c) a painter d) a portrait
6. a genre
а) a picture that you have in your mind b) a type of art or writing with a particular style
c) the main subject or idea in a piece of painting
7. a still life
а) a picture b) a picture of unanimated subjects c) a canvas
8. tendency -
а) a trend b) an influence c) a point of view
9. To describe something, especially in pictures
а) To devote b) To represent c) To depict
10. To use talent, paintings, pictures in order to help something be successful
а) To represent b) To propagate c) To devote
11. It's work of art that is made with great skill
а) Image b) Art c) Masterpiece
12.It is a picture representing a scenery of nature of countryside.
а) a scene b) a landscape c) a piece d) a fresco
13. What genre is it? а) Still life b) Seascape c) Landscape d) Portrait
14. What genre is it?
а) Portrait b) Landscape c) Seascape d) Still life
15. What genre is it?
а) Portrait b) Landscape c) Seascape d) Still life
16. What genre is it?
а) Still life b) Seascape c) Landscape d) Portrait
17. a masterpiece
а) майструвати b) шматок c) шедевр d) змальовувати
18. to be inspired-
а) to be full of b) to be high- spirited c) to be loved by
19. to portray
а) to show b) to find out c) to depict
20.To show paintings, historical objects, etc. in a public place
а) to offer b) to display c) to include d) to contain
21. Complete the sentences with “cause” or “reason”
a) Never stay away from school without good…
b) Scientists attribute changes in the weather to natural …
c) What was the … of your failing the exam?
d) Carelessness is the … of fires, isn’t it?
22. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the verb in brackets.
a) If I were you, I … (find) a good job.
b) If we … (live) in Kyiv, we would go to theatres and galleries every month.
c) If I had a lot of many, I … (buy) a yacht.
Задання 1-20 потрібно обрати одну правильну відповідь, 21 - вставити слово " причина"- “cause” or “reason” у кожне з чотирьох ( а-d), 22- змінити дієслова у дужках
До задань 13-16 картини