Помогите с фантазией, пожалуйста! По англ язу написать рассказ, небольшой, только количество слов не оговорено, на одну из тем:
1. My trip to the country.
2. A visit to the zoo( farm, safari park)
3. How I decided to be green.
4. Nature and us: how I lerned my lesson/
5. An adventure.
Честно, мне бы сюжет только придумать, перевести как-нибудь справлюсь.
Last year I went to the zoo. I remember that day, it was sunny and clear. The day passed and I missed the action for free, because I bought a two six-pack beer. I especially liked the giraffes and hippos. I love animalsa so "m ready to the zoo for hours. That day in the examination of all the animals it took me 4 hours. Unfortunately I did not get to terrarioum as when it was being repaired. I have many pictures and got good photos for the albom. I also liked the panda. I tried to treat them with beer, but they refused. In the end, I drank it all himself. Joy and merriment went to home.