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Сделайте грамматический разбор юридических терминов. Переведите их.
divĭde et impěra
in flagranti delicto


Автор ответа: Girl27
Divide et impera 
Разделяй и властвуй.Латинская формулировка принципа империалистической политики, возникшая уже в новое время. В форме divide ut regnes она приписывается Французскому королю Людовику XI (Проспер Мериме, "Хроника царствования Карла IX". Предисловие.) или итальянскому политику Никколо Макиавелли (1469-1527).
In flagranti delicto 
"При горящем преступлении", "в разгаре преступления", т. е. на месте преступления, в момент совершения преступления.Формулировка так называемого "Кодекса Юстиниана" - свода императорских указов, изданного в VI веке по указанию византийского императора Юстиниана.

грамматический разбор я не знаю как)
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Situated on the Black Sea near the Caucasus Mountains, Sochi is Russia’s biggest resort
city. It is a popular tourist resort because of its subtropical climate, its beautiful sandy
beaches and its many tourist attractions. About 2 million people visit Sochi every summer for
its annual film festival “Kinotavr” and it is a popular ski resort in the winter.
Visitors to Sochi can enjoy numerous parks and monuments
and see beautiful architecture. Some popular tourist attractions
include the Michael Archangel Cathedral, the Sochi Art Museum,
the Arboretum (a large botanical garden), The Winter Theatre and
Riviera Park. There are also many landmark buildings with beautiful
architecture including the Maritime Passenger Terminal with its 71-
metre-high steeple and incredible statues.
Just north of the city is the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve. This is
a UNESCO World Heritage Site where you can see the tallest trees in
Europe at 85 metres high and a rare breed of bison called the
Caucasian Wisent.
Sochi is well known for its excellent sport facilities and that
is one of the reasons that a number of sporting events are held
there. The tennis champions Maria Sharapova and Yevgeny
Kafelnikov both attended the tennis school there and the Russian
national bootball teams use the training centre in the city. Then of
course there is the brand new Fischt Olympic Stadium.
So if you ever get the chance to visit Sochi make sure you allow plenty of time to enjoy
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