gateway b-1

2. Susan is Ian's wife; (жена)
3. James is Simon's cousin; (двоюродный брат)
4. Natasha is Graham's mother-in-law; (тёща)
5. Graham is Ian's brother-in-law; (шурин)
6. Daniel is Simon's uncle; (дядя)
7. Barbara is Ian's niece; (племянница)
8. James is Daniel's nephew; (племянник)
9. Barbara is John's granddaughter; (внучка)
10. Graham is Sandra's husband. (муж)
2g. My aunt is 50 and single because she never wants to get married.
3e. She's my niece because she's my sister Elizabeth's daughter.
4a. Paul is an only child because his parents didn't want any more children.
5c. I come from a one-parent family because my parents got divorced and I live with my mum.
6b. Peter is my cousin's partner,not her husband because they don't want to get married at the moment.
7f. Samuel is divorced because he separated from his wife legally last year.