Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Anastasia900

Блин, ребята помогите!!


Прочитай. Какие это предложения?

Подчеркни карандашом грамматические основы.

Какие второстепенные члены относятся к подлежащиму,а какие - к сказуемому?

Выпиши сочетания слов, как в образце.

образец записи: Капают сосульки носы. Носы (какие,чьи?)сосулькины.

  Капают сосулькины носы.Солнечная дымка залила холодное небо.Я слежу за птицами.Они переселяются с юга.Мчат над головой быстрые кулики. Неторопливо летят журавли. Несутся первые ласточки.


Помогите пожайлуста!!!


Автор ответа: Elvira10
Дымка ( какая?) Солнечная Небо ( какое?) холодное Слежу ( за чем?) за птицами Переселяются ( откуда?) с юга Кулики ( какие?) быстрые Летят ( как?) неторопливо Ласточки ( какие?) первые
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Как это читается ?( не знаю английский , была в другой школе учила немецкий)

Hockey Хоккей
Hockey is one of the most popular fast-paced sports games in the world. It is an exciting and spectacular game played by two teams either on ice-rink or on a field. Each team presents a certain country or region and consists of six players: two defense-men, two wingers, one goalkeeper and one center man. Hockey players should be very skilled and agile. This game requires skillful skating and excellent stick handling. There are various types of hockey. The most popular and widespread games are field hockey, ice hockey, sledge hockey and street hockey. Field hockey is played on natural grass with a small, hard ball and J-shaped sticks. Ice hockey is one of the most spectacular sports of Winter Olympics. It originally appeared in the expanses of North America hundreds of years ago and is now played in many northern countries. First competitions in Canada were amateur, but gradually they became professional. The first professional league, known as NHL, was formed in 1917. The rules of the game are simple. The players try to score a goal into the opponents’ gate. The puck should completely cross the goal line and enter the net. Sledge hockey is played by people with physical disabilities. This sport is played during Winter Paralympics. Street hockey is played on hard surface, usually asphalt, with a ball instead of a puck. Being a rough game, hockey causes many injuries. Nevertheless, people love this game and enjoy watching it.
Предмет: История, автор: MaryChaplD