Предмет: Другие предметы, автор: Sofia1211

Почему уникальные уголки природы необходимо охранять?


Автор ответа: Volkova11072004
само слово УНИкальнЫй говорит о том что, такого места больше нигде нет, и быть не может. мы должны сохранить уникальные места, для того что бы и у наших потомков была возможность их увидеть
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Аноним
выберите правильную форму слов (местоимений)
3 It was a hot summer day. Tom and his mum were heading to the beach. Tom was only wearing shorts and a pair of sandals on his ____FOOT___ but he felt hot anyway. When they came to the beach, they found out that the sea ____NOT/BE____ calm – powerful waves were breaking on the shore. Mum ____STOP____ in hesitation. “It’s fine. I can easily swim in these waves,” Tom wanted to demonstrate his swimming skills. But his mother said that they ____STAY____ out of the water till the sea calmed down. Sitting close to ____THEY___ was a boy about Tom’s age. He was alone because his parents ____LEAVE____ to buy some sandwiches. He came over and said his name was Gary. His shoulders ____COVER_____ with protective suntan lotion, but they looked red anyway. “It’s getting ___HOT_____ every minute,” said Gary. “How about a swim?” “No way,” Tom’s mother was definitely against the idea and Tom had to obey. “As you like,” Gary said and headed to the water. The _____THREE___ wave hit him hard and he lost his balance. Everything was happening very fast – Gary fell down and went under the water. Fortunately, Tom and his mother were close enough to get him out in time.
4 A few years ago I was on a camping holiday in Bristol. There ____BE________ lots of other girls from around the UK, but I was the only one from Scotland. The camp ____LOCATE______ in the woods, not far from the river. The camp life was even _____INTERESTING______ than I had expected. We enjoyed all kinds of camping activities – sports and games, different shows and contests. Everything was fine apart from one incident that took me aback. Once, at lunchtime, when I ____EAT____ ice cream, one of the girls asked: “So, do you have ice cream in Scotland?” I ___NOT/KNOW_______ how to react. My neighbour repeated her question. I nodded, “Yes.” My answer provoked a wave of absurd questions about my country: “Have you ever seen a ghost in your castle?” “Do all Scottish ___MAN_______ wear checked skirts?” I ___FIND_____ out that some people believe silly stereotypes about Scotland. They believe that Scots really carry bagpipes in ___THEY_______ bags to play the instrument on the streets, and that Scots practise magic. At last, the girls said that they ___COME_____ to Scotland one day to see it with their own eyes and to separate the truth from the myths.
5 The academic term was coming to its end and Kate decided to arrange a party to celebrate the coming holidays. To be frank, there ____BE_____ one more reason for the party. Kate wanted her classmates to meet someone from her family. She was sure it would impress ___THEY____ and would help her popularity. Kate ___MAKE____ sandwiches in the kitchen when Hugo came in. “It looks like I’m the ___ONE___ guest, doesn’t it?” Hugo looked embarrassed. “Sorry for coming so early.” “Oh, it’s ok,” said Kate, “Come in! You ____HELP____ me in the kitchen, won’t you?” “Sure,” Hugo entered the room and ____STOP____ in surprise. “Are you saying you made all this yourself?” On the table there was a huge pie. It ____DECORATE____ with different fruit and looked fantastic. “No,” Kate looked pleased with his reaction. “My cousin helped me. She____LEAVE____ for the shop. She’ll be back any minute. The front door opened and a girl entered. Hugo understood that he ___SEE____ her many times in different TV programmes for teenagers. “A TV star?” Hugo sounded so silly that both girls burst out laughing.
Предмет: Психология, автор: emptiness6969
Мать хлопотала по хозяйству, а Таня играла на улице. Вдруг в песочнице девочка увидела разбросанные игрушки. Их было много: лопатки, ведёрки, тарелочки, формочки. Даже кукла сидела в уголке, обиженно надув губы за то, что её забыли. Никого вокруг не было. Таня набрала игрушек и, радостная, побежала домой. Дома она стала играть с младшими сёстрами. Мать пришла звать их к обеду и увидела новые игрушки.

– Откуда эти игрушки? – спросила она, строго оглядев дочерей. Они молчали.

– Таня, где ты их взяла? – ещё более строго спросила мать.

– Нашла, – ответила девочка. – Они лежали в песочнице, я их и взяла.

– Нет, доченька, ты не просто взяла. Ты их уворовала! У нас в семье никогда не было воров. Ты первая!

Таня заплакала, думала, что мать простит.

– Не плачь, а быстренько отнеси игрушки на место и попроси прощения у девочки, игрушки которой ты взяла!

Таня шла, и слёзы капали из глаз. Ей было жалко себя, было стыдно перед незнакомой девочкой. Очень хотелось есть, болели ноги, а идти пришлось далеко. Таня пыталась выбросить игрушки под забор, но слова матери «у нас в семье никогда не было воров. Ты первая!» звучали в ушах. И дочь сделала всё так, как сказала мать, поскольку она очень любила её и верила всем её словам.

1. Какую функцию в этом случае сыграло общение матери с дочерью?

2. Почему слова матери так сильно повлияли на сознание и поведение девочки?

3. В каких случаях требование родителей не действует на детей?