ребят, надо бы небольшой пересказ.. ну 10-15 предложений если не сложно будет. пожааалуйста сама не бумбум:)

Who can imagine his or her life without TV? Sure, nobody can. It is one of the most mass media. On TV we can watching sport programm, news, we can found more interesting information there. But television it is good or bad? more people discuss about this. Of course, now many prefer watching TV, rather than walk, but it will negatively impact on us. Yet TV develops our knowledge, but the main thing is not to overdo it and do not forget about real life. on different channels show different opening news. it develops our worldview. fewer people go to the movies, because they remember the ticket price and choose watching movies at home. as we see in the TV boring and blunt commentator. it is annoying and often leads to discussion. In general, everyone decides for himself the weight of TV in life, remember that the important thing is not to overdo it.