Предмет: Русский язык, автор: 2004daniszaynu

Домашняя работа написать сочинение о летних радостях 47 баллов за 4-6 предложений


Автор ответа: mscokipl
Лето самая прекрасная пара .Летом можно гулять и не надо ходить в школу,нету никаких уроков.Можно заниматься ранообразными делами ездить  на природу ,отдыхать и плавать. 
Автор ответа: Volk83
Лето-это прекрасное время. Можно отдохнуть от учёбы, заняться собой и проводить время с друзьями. Я провёл это лето так: Ездил на море, гулял с друзьями и был на базе. В общем, лето оно незабываемо. 
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Task 2. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами
после номеров В1—В6, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

B1. Litter is an eyesore that pollutes the earth and costs a fortune to clean up. Environmentalists consider litter a nasty side effect of our _____________-oriented disposable culture. Just to highlight the scope of the problem, California alone spends $28 million a year cleaning up and removing litter along its roadways. And once trash gets free, wind and weather move it from streets and highways to parks and waterways. One study found out that 18 percent of litter ends up in rivers, streams and oceans.

B2. Cigarette butts, snack wrappers and take-out food and beverage ____________ are the most commonly littered items. Cigarettes are one of the most insidious forms of litter.
B3. The burden of litter cleanup usually falls on local __________ or community groups. GOVERN
B4. Some U.S. states, including Alabama, California, Florida, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas and Virginia, are taking strong measures to prevent litter through public campaigns, and
are spending millions of dollars ___________ to clean up. British Columbia, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland also have strong anti-litter campaigns.

B5. A more grassroots-oriented litter prevention group is Auntie Litter, which started in 1990 in Alabama to help to _____________ students there about the importance of a healthy and clean environment. Today the group works internationally
to help students, teachers and parents eliminate litter in their communities.

B6. For starters, never let trash escape from your car, and make sure household garbage bins are sealed ___________ so animals can’t get at the contents. Always remember to take your garbage with you upon leaving a park or other public space.