Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Ю131

пословицы со словом семь


Автор ответа: ХлЕбУшЕк04
семь раз отмерь один раз трежь
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Victoria at School
Victoria goes to Carlton Hill Primary School. The school is about ten
or eleven years old. Altogether there are only about 100 children in the whole school. There are four classes with about 25 children in each.
Vicky is in an introductory class which means her class has some fouryear-olds and some five-year-olds. W hen Vicky reaches six she will go into another class.
There are five desks in Vicky’s classroom. Each has their own colour.
There are some pictures on the pegs to hang their coats, so they can easily recognize their own.
There are a lot of interesting things on the walls such as Alphabet
posters, shapes, numbers, picture cards with words to learn, posters of
animals, paintings done by the children.
There is a nature table with buds and flowers. All the different kinds
of flowers are labelled.
There are shelves with books on and a rack covered with books.
There is a lovely Wendy House which takes up one comer of the room.
It is hand-made out of wood. You can fit about six or seven children in
without being cramped together. It is just like a miniature ideal home.
Near where all the books are, there is a big carpet with an armchair where
Miss Cull, Vicky’s teacher, sits when she reads to them, and when they
sing songs, all the children gather round her on the carpet.
Comment upon the following details and describe Vicky’s classroom.
1. W hy is Vicky’s class called introductory?
2. Why are there only five desks in the classroom?
3. W hy are there pictures on the pegs?
4. Explain the choice of objects you can see on the wall.
5. W hat is the function of the nature table?
6. Why is the wooden house called Wendy House?
7. Is it a good idea for the children to play on the carpet?
8. Can you think of some other things that can be found in Vicky’s
classroom and that are not mentioned in the text?
Предмет: Українська мова, автор: ku3002019
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: vika304403
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За дубовым столом, заст...ле...ым узорной скатерт...ю, сидели ра...веселые гости и молодые – ю...ые жених с невестой. Стол л..мился от предложе..ых уг...щений: здесь был и жаре...ый гусь с пече...ыми пирожками, и вкусные варе...ики с жаре...ым на сале картофелем, и фарширова...ые блины с туше...ым мясом, суше...ые фрукты и даже зап..ч...ый гусь в смета...ом соусе и крепле...ое вино в стекля...ой бутылк.... Невеста, писа...ая красавица, сидела рядом с посаже...ым отцом, наряже...ым в новый п...лотня...ый костюм, и тихо с ним переш...птывалась. Новоиспече...ый муж, убежде...ый трезве...ик, иск...са поглядывал на них. Дружка, состоящий с женихом в родстве...ых отношениях, веселил гостей и одновреме...о что (то) говорил жениху. Назва...ый брат невесты, (не) воспита...ый оди...адцатилетний Гришка, сидел с чва...ым видом и выт...рал масл...ые руки о тка...ый платок, стаще...ый у невесты из сундука, в котором хранилось пр...да...ое. Атмосфера была совсем нак...ле...ой, но тут сваха Куз...мини...на, имевшая ут...нче...ый слух, затянула веселую песню, и молодеж... тут же пустилась (в) пляс в беше...ом ритм.... Ветре...ая подруга невесты, жема...ая Акулина, составила пару дружк..., а невеста, танцующая с женихом, весело поводила соболи...ыми бровями и (не) пр...ста...о смеялась.