Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: qawsed13
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Die Deutschen haben zwar den Buchdruck erfunden, galten aber nie als über die Maßen lesefreudig. Immerhin: Bei der Studie „Lesen in Deutschland 2008“ gaben nur 25 Prozent der Befragten an, im vergangenen Jahr kein einziges Buch gelesen zu haben. 46 Prozent bejahten die Aussage, dass sie heute weniger lesen als früher. Schuld daran sei nicht nur die Konkurrenz durch Fernsehen und andere Medien, sondern auch die berufliche Belastung. Im Durchschnitt lesen die Deutschen elf Bücher im Jahr — Frauen nach eigenen Angaben 13 und Männer neun. Kinder sind generell — auch durch die Schule geprägt — näher am Buch als die Erwachsenen. 24 Prozent der Kinder sagen, dass Lesen ihr größtes Hobby sei.
Der durchschnittliche Deutsche widmet der Buchlektüre 2,85 Stunden pro Woche (Frauen lesen täglich 33 Minuten, Männer 16 Minuten).
Russland hat in vielerlei Hinsicht das Erbe der Sowjetunion angetreten. Das heißt jedoch nicht, dass beispielsweise das Freizeitverhalten von damals einfach auf das Heute übertragen werden kann. Wurde die Sowjetunion noch als Leseland berühmt, so nimmt die Begeisterung für Bücher seit den 90er Jahren ständig ab, wie Statistiken immer wieder belegen. Aus einer neuen Studie der Stiftung „Gesellschaftliche Meinung“ geht hervor, dass fast 50 Prozent der Russen im Jahr 2008 kein einziges Buch gelesen haben. Die Konkurrenz von Film und Internet macht sich bemerkbar. Besonders gefragt auf dem Buchmarkt waren Unterhaltungsliteratur und Sachbücher.
Russen lesen im Durchschnitt 7,1 Stunden pro Woche.
Автор ответа:
На Английский? Если да, то вот :
The Germans have the printing press invented, were considered, but never as exceedingly lesefreudig. After all: In the study, "reading in Germany 2008" gave only 25 percent of respondents in the last year, not a single book to have read. 46 percent answered affirmatively to the statement that they are now less read than formerly. Blame not only the competition from television and other media, but also to the occupational exposure. On average, reading the German eleven books in the year — women according to their own statements 13 men and nine. Children are generally — also by the school marked — closer to the book than the adults. 24 percent of kids say that reading is her greatest Hobby. The average German is devoted to the Buchlektüre of 2.85 hours per week (women every day to read 33 minutes, men 16 minutes).
Russia has in many respects the legacy of the Soviet Union started. This does not mean, however, that, for example, the leisure patterns of at that time simply on the Today that can be transmitted. Was the Soviet Union even as Leseland famous, the enthusiasm for books since the 90s all the time, as statistics show time and time again. From a new study by the Foundation "social opinion" shows that almost 50 percent of the Russians in the year 2008, not a single book you read. The competition of Film and the Internet makes itself felt. Particularly in demand in the book market were both fiction and non-fiction. Russians have read an average of 7.1 hours per week.
The Germans have the printing press invented, were considered, but never as exceedingly lesefreudig. After all: In the study, "reading in Germany 2008" gave only 25 percent of respondents in the last year, not a single book to have read. 46 percent answered affirmatively to the statement that they are now less read than formerly. Blame not only the competition from television and other media, but also to the occupational exposure. On average, reading the German eleven books in the year — women according to their own statements 13 men and nine. Children are generally — also by the school marked — closer to the book than the adults. 24 percent of kids say that reading is her greatest Hobby. The average German is devoted to the Buchlektüre of 2.85 hours per week (women every day to read 33 minutes, men 16 minutes).
Russia has in many respects the legacy of the Soviet Union started. This does not mean, however, that, for example, the leisure patterns of at that time simply on the Today that can be transmitted. Was the Soviet Union even as Leseland famous, the enthusiasm for books since the 90s all the time, as statistics show time and time again. From a new study by the Foundation "social opinion" shows that almost 50 percent of the Russians in the year 2008, not a single book you read. The competition of Film and the Internet makes itself felt. Particularly in demand in the book market were both fiction and non-fiction. Russians have read an average of 7.1 hours per week.
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