Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Тпшка1

Просклоняй, поставь ударение, обозначь окончания.

Свекла Щавель Соль


Автор ответа: PTV2004
И-свекла , щавель,соль,
Р-свеклы, щавеля, соли,
Д-свекле, щавелю, соли,
В- свеклу,щавель, соль,

Тпшка1: ещё нужно расставить ударение и обозначить окончания
PTV2004: свекла на ё, щавель-на Е соль-на о, окончание а,ы,е,у,ой,е у щавеля- 0,я, ю,0,ем,е соль- 0,и,и,0,ью,и
PTV2004: родит падеж кого,чего, дат кому,чему
Тпшка1: спасибо)
Тпшка1: спасибо, но я сомневаюсь, нам учительница сказала на вопрос у свеклы где ударение стоит а вот читай в учебнике, е там или ё, а там е
Автор ответа: Nirvana1969

именительный  что? свекла

родит.  чем? свеклой

дат.  чем: свеклой

винит.  что? свеклу

творит. чем? свеклой

предлож. о чем? о свекле

Именит. шавель

родит. щевелем

винит. щавель

творит. щавелем

предлож. о щевеле

Именит. соль

родит. солью

винит. соль

творит. солью

предлож. о соли.

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Тимофей9Футбол
напишите пожалуйста перевод этого текста
A. John and Kathy took their new cat to an animal hospital.
They didn't go far because the animal hospital was on their street.
They knew that animal doctors, veterinarians, take care of sick animals,
just as "people doctors" take care of sick people.
B. Miss Green said that the doctor was ready to see
Tom. John and Kathy placed Tom in the box on a table and Dr
Janek examined him. He asked the children some questions. [[tIT
that he showed them the animal hospital. Some animals were resting
there after operations.
C. they got home with "Tom", their mother helped
them write an advertisement to put in the paper:
Found - A Beautiful Orange Cat.
"Can we keep one of the kittens?" asked Kathy.
"I'm sure of it," her mother answered.
D. That morning John and Kathy were finishing breakfast when
they heard a meowing sound at the back door. They opened the
door, and there was a fat orange cat. "Let's call him Tom," Kathy
But John and Kathy were worried. Tom was so fat (TOJICTbIH).
And so lazy. Perhaps, he was sick. So they took Tom down the
street to see their friend Dr Janek, the animal doctor.
E. Then they came back to the doctor's room. Their mother was
there, too. "I think I've found out why your cat is so fat and lazy,"
the doctor told them. "In a few days she's going to have
F. Miss Green, the doctor's assistant, met them at the door.
she asked them to wait. There were other animals in the
room. There was a small puppy with a plaster on its front leg. There
was a yellow parrot that had a cold.
Предмет: Українська мова, автор: julibabkova