Write a, an, the where necessary.
Alice lives in ___ bungalow. She has three rooms, ___ kitchen and ___ bathroom. Alice is ___ excellent cook and ___ kitchen is her favourite room. It 's ___ modern kitchen, nice and clean, with ___ lot of cupboards. She keeps ___ cups, ___ plates, ___ knives, ___ forks and ___ spoons in them. ___ fridge is in the left corner and ___ cooker is between two cupboards.
Alice lives in a bungalow. She has three rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. Alice is an excellent cook and the kitchen is her favourite room. It 's a modern kitchen, nice and clean, with a lot of cupboards. She keeps cups, plates, knives, forks and spoons in them. A fridge is in the left corner and a cooker is between two cupboards.
Алиса живет в бунгало (дом с верандой). У нее три комнаты, кухня и ванная комната. Алиса превосходный повар и кухня ее любимая комната. Это современная кухня, хорошая и чистая, с большим количеством шкафов. Она держит чашки, тарелки, ножи, вилки и ложки в них. Холодильник стоит в левом углу, а плита находится между двумя шкафами.