Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Mamichevaelena

A. Read The Text And The Sentences after it. Which of Them are true? What Name Can You Give To The Text? Hi my name is bob, bob wilson. my holidays began yesterday. It was a wonderful day. I was up early in the morning. The weather was wonderful. I was happy! I went to the bathroom and had a shower. I dressed and went to the kitchen. My mother gave me breakfast - Some salad, porridge and a ham sandwich. I drank coffee with milk and was ready for my morning walk with my friends. We were all free - no school, no classes. We met at the bus stop at nine and went to the cinema. There was a good film on and we all wanted to see it. It was "AGENT colin at the museum". The film began at 9:30. Film was wonderful. We all liked it a lot.
After The Film we went to the a cafe near the cinema and had lunch there. We were all hungry. We took vegetable pizza, We enjoyed our meal very much. After lunch we went to the park and had a good time there riding our bikes.
1) Bob was up early.
2) The Weather was nasty.
3) The boy's mother gave him breakfast.
4) Bob had porridge for breakfast.
5) Bob had breakfast with his friends.
6) Bob and his friends met at the cinema.
7) The friends walked to the cinema.
8) After The film the friends were hungry.
9) They had lunch at a cafe.
10) After lunch they went home.

B. Correct the false sentences.


Автор ответа: Аноним
1)+ 2)- The weather was wonderful. 3)+ 4)+ 5)-My mother gave me breakfast - Some salad, porridge and a ham sandwich. I drank coffee with milk and was ready for my morning walk with my friends. We were all free - no school, no classes. We me 6)+ 7)+ 8)+ 9)+ 10)- After lunch we went to the park and had a good time there riding our bikes.
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