Предмет: Биология, автор: kristinkokristinko

характер движения кольчатых червей!!!??????


Автор ответа: AlisAnarxistka

 Характерным признаком кольчатых червей является наличие на их теле хитиновых щетинок, вырастающих из кутикулы. На каждом сегменте могут быть примитивные конечности (параподии) — боковые выросты, снабжённые щетинками и иногда жабрами.Передвижение осуществляется за счет сокращения мускулатуры у одних видов и движений параподий у других.

Автор ответа: LizaoLoL

двигается пр помощи змеевидного движения и параподий

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The strange bird with two heads
The other birds living in the tree said:
Once upon a time, there lived a strange
bird with two heads: the left head and "Don't eat it. It's a poisonous fruit. It will
the right head. The two heads did not kill you."
like each other. But they had one body! The left head shouted: "Don't eat it.
The strange bird lived in a big tree near We will all die."
a river.
However, the right head did not listen
One day, the left head of the bird saw to the left head. It said: "I will eat it,
a beautiful tree that had a bright red because I saw it first. Don't stop me."
fruit. The left head of the bird wanted to Finally, the right head ate the pink
eat the fruit and the bird flew down to fruit, and in a few minutes, the strange
pick the fruit from the tree.
bird with the two heads died.
The bird took the sweet fruit, and
sat by the river. The left head started
eating it. When it was eating, the right
head asked: "Can you give me a piece
of fruit?"
The left head said: "See, we have only
one belly. So if I put something in my
mouth, it will go to our belly."
"But I want to taste the fruit," said the
right head.
The left head was angry: "I saw the
fruit first, so I can eat it without anyone."
The right head felt sad.
A few days later, the right head saw
a beautiful pink fruit in a tree. The bird
flew down near the tree and tried to pick If you are not friendly, all the family
Moral of the story
the fruit and eat it.
feels bad.

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Предмет: Алгебра, автор: paraalo