Предмет: Русский язык, автор: 10052008

слово буратино сделать звуковой анализ


Автор ответа: tarand73
буратино - [ б у р а т и н о ]-8 букв, 8 звуков и все:)

tarand73: эхх
tarand73: эхх
tarand73: эхх
tarand73: эхх
tarand73: эхх
tarand73: эхх
tarand73: эхх
tarand73: эхх
tarand73: эхх
Автор ответа: ВоздушнаяZефирка
Буратино -  4 сл., 8 букв, ( Б у р а т (мягкая) и н а) - 8 зв.

Б (б) - согл., тв., звонк.
у (у) - гласн., безуд.
р (р) - согл., тв., звонк.
а (а) - гласн., безуд.
т (т) - согл., мягк., глух.
и (и) - гласн., ударн.
н (н) - согл., тв., звонк.
о (о) - гласн., безуд.

(Не знаю, как у вас, но нас так учили)

panda532: кто поможит тогла?
КоНьЯчОк: я и на 50 б сгодня наткнулся
КоНьЯчОк: по инфе
КоНьЯчОк: не смог решить
КоНьЯчОк: я в 7 классе
КоНьЯчОк: он в 9
ВоздушнаяZефирка: Я не смогу наверное:с
КоНьЯчОк: я тож
КоНьЯчОк: го в друзи?
ВоздушнаяZефирка: Го:з
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Уважаемые знатоки английской грамматики. Проверьте пожалуйста , есть ли в этом тексте ошибки.

My name is Sabir Latypov and I'll tell you about my usual working day.
In our life we have weekends and holidays. Of course, it’s more pleasant to speak about holidays than about workdays. But these workdays make up an essential part of life.
At 6:45 the alarm-clock wakes me up and my working day begins. Actually I’m not fond of getting up early, but I’m already used to it. I do my bed and go to the bathroom. There I brush my teeth and wash one’s my face . At 7:30 o’clock I’m ready to have breakfast. Usually I have no time to cook my breakfast, so I just have a cup of tea and maybe a bowl of cereal. Sometimes I can oversleep and not have time to have breakfast
I leave home at 7:40. My college is away from house and it usually takes me 30 minutes to get there. My classes begin at 8.30 a.m. and finish at about 3 p.m. At 11.05 I usually go to our canteen and buy something to eat.
When my classes are finished I return home. Then I cook my dinner or warm it up. After hard work at college I feel like having a rest. After dinner I usually go out with my friends or go in for sports. In addition, I play computer games and shoot video games on my YouTube channel. I do not always play the same game. But usually I play Minecraft or in the shooter game Battle Carnival. Then I do my homework for the next school day. It takes me about 4 hours.
If I have 2 or 3 hours before going to sleep I watch TV series or video in YouTube, listen to the music, chat with some friends or help my mother to cook supper. When the supper is ready we gather in the dining room, eat and share the day news. After supper at about 11 o’clock I am taking a bath and go to bed.
Предмет: Алгебра, автор: friedram