Предмет: Українська мова, автор: yulyalytvyn

твір на тему охорона пернатих друзів


Автор ответа: паовв558
Як уже зазначалося, птахи є для людини надзвичайно корисними хребетними. Проте з кожним роком все більше видів птахів зменшується за чисельністю, поширенням, багато які стають рідкісними або зовсім зникають на великих територіях (на сьогодні повністю зникло близько 200 видів). Для того, щоб запобігти зникненню птахів, їх треба охороняти. Мало занести той чи інший вид на сторінки Червоної книги, прийняти закон про охорону тварин або певних видів птахів - треба вивчати птахів, знати їхні потреби щодо навколишнього середовища.В Україні особлива увага приділяється охороні видів птахів, яких занесено до Червоної книги України. Заради збереження багатьох рідкісних і зникаючих видів створюються природні заповідники, заказники (напр., Чорноморський заповідник, заповідник "Лебедині острови", Липовецький орнітологічний заказник, що на Черкащині). Рідкісних птахів розводять у вольєрах і випускають потім на волю, у природні для них умови життя (напр., так розводять деяких хижих птахів в Одеському зоопарку). Багато робиться і для збереження звичного середовища їхнього проживання (напр., ліси, озера, болота, степи). Людина допомагає птахам, розвішуючи штучні домівки, лаштуючи спеціальні платформи для пташиних гнізд. Важливо також підгодовувати пернатих у скрутні часи, як-от узимку.

yulyalytvyn: велике дякую!
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Вставьте фразы в пропуски , фразы ниже текста. Всем сачтья и здоровья , кто поможет!
Musician Bob Geldof wanted to make a difference and not just in the world of pop music. Stuart Maconie tells us how he did it.
The day after seeing a TV report about a famine in Ethiopia, pop singer Bob Geldof noticed that his wife had stuck a note
on the fridge door. It read, 'Ethiopia: everyone who visits this house from today onwards will be asked to contribute £5 for
famine relief.' 1____The problem was that he didn't think his own band would be able to raise enough money if they
recorded a song on their own.
He asked another musician friend, Midge Ure, to help him write the music and lyrics and they then recruited forty-five of
the most popular Irish and British musicians of the early eighties. Each musician in the group, which came to be known as
Band Aid, sang a line of the song 'Do they know it's Christmas?' 2____
The success of the song probably had more to do with the status of the performers than the quality of the music but its
release had an immediate effect on the British public. The BBC played it once an hour. All the TV programmes on before
Top of the Pops finished early so the Band Aid video could be shown. The singer who was number one at the time told
people to buy the Band Aid single instead of his own record. Geldof and Ure had hoped to make £70,000.3____
Even then not everyone was convinced that it had been such a good idea. 4____The journalist who had filed the report
which had inspired Geldol's wife was very suspicious of the performers' motives. But when he returned to Ethiopia and saw
eight huge planes with the Band Aid logo at the airport, he was impressed.
5____The food and supplies were held up because the local trucking companies would not move the goods or allow
anyone else to move them. Geldof realised he had to do something to protest about this so he set about organising the Live
Aid concert. Geldof not only managed to get the truck drivers to cooperate, he also started a new trend that continued over
the next three decades. 6____There had been 'benefit concerts' before. The difference was that pop stars were now
expressing opinions about world events.
Doubts are often raised about the contribution these concerts make. Some even argue that they have a negative impact.
7____These include fame and celebrity but surely, it can never be a bad thing to try and raise money for those in need.
A What is far clearer is the benefit they have for the musicians themselves.
B They ended up making over a thousand times that much.
C It was recorded in just under twenty-four hours in a studio in London.
D It was this that gave Geldof the idea of recording a song for the African famine.
E In fact it was difficulties with transporting the aid once in Africa that led to the next phase of
the effort and the famous Live Aid concert itself.
F The result was one of the biggest-selling singles of all time.
G There were criticisms of Geldof and Ure's choice of musicians and the lyrics of the song and doubts
about whether the money raised would reach its target.
H Live Aid was not the first concert aimed at raising money for charity