Предмет: Русский язык, автор: annetborisova6

РАЗБЕРИТЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ СИНТАКСИЧЕСКИ!!!!И мы сидели, сидели в каком-то недоумении счастья. Одной рукой я обнимал тебя, слыша биение твоего сердца, в другой держал твою руку, чувствуя через нее всю тебя. И было уже так поздно, что даже и колотушки не было слышно, - лег где-нибудь на скамье и задремал с трубкой в зубах старик, греясь в месячном свете. Когда я глядел вправо, я видел, как высоко и безгрешно сияет над двором месяц и рыбьим блеском блестит крыша дома. Когда глядел влево, видел заросшую сухими травами дорожку, пропадавшую под другими яблонями, а за ними низко выглядывавшую из-за какого-то другого сада одинокую зеленую звезду, теплившуюся бесстрастно и вместе с тем выжидательно, что-то беззвучно говорившую.


Автор ответа: dianadraganva
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: KlaidDs1563
Из данного текста, укоротить до 10-15 предложений. (Текст для пересказа)

(1) It was a cold winter night in the Rocky Mountains. The temperature had fallen well below zero, but it was cosy and warm in the lounge of Forest Lodge, the hotel where Detective Lorna Cummins was spending a holiday. She sat lazily in front of a huge fire.
(2) Suddenly, a desperate-looking man burst in the front door, shook water from his clothes and fell on the floor. It was Harry Lewis, one of the guests at the hotel.
(3) The hotel doctor managed to revive him, and, with great difficulty, Lewis told his story.
(4) "My wife Connie, and I love ... loved ice-skating. The full moon is so bright tonight that Connie thought it would be romantic to go skating," he explained.
(5) "We must have skated for about twenty minutes when Connie suggested having a race. She was a better skater than me and skated ahead. I called out to her to stop but she didn't listen. I couldn't see her in the dark, but I could hear her laughter. Suddenly, the laughter stopped. Then I saw a big hole in the ice. I think someone must have made it earlier to fish or something. I realised with horror that Connie must have fallen in. — She can't have seen the hole in the dark, poor darling."
(6) "Calm down, Mr Lewis," said Detective Cummins, touching his wet shoulder gently, "What happened next?"
(7) "I took off my skates and jumped in after her. I tried to find her, but it was no use. I could see a cabin at the edge of the lake, so I shouted for help, but there can't have been anyone there because no one came. So I walked back here."
"Let's hope for the best," said Detective Cummins. "She might not have fallen in the hole ... but something just as bad could have happened to her."
Led by hotel staff Detective Cummins walked the half mile to the lake and found the large hole in the ice that Lewis had described. His skates were close by but there was no sign of his wife's body. They made their way back to the hotel in the freezing night, carrying Lewis's skates.
(8) When he saw the skates, Lewis broke down and sobbed into his hands
(9) "You can stop the acting now, Lewis. I know you're lying. Tell me what really happened to your wife," said Lorna Cummins...
Предмет: Математика, автор: Налика