Предмет: Русский язык, автор: vlad06091

Составить по опорным словам текст Пустыня Пустыня,юг нашей республики,похожа на жёлтое море,песок,песчаные холмы,барханы,серые кустики саксаулы,жаркое небо,раскалённое солнце,ни прохлады,ни тени вокруг,сухие кучки колючей травы,саксаул.горячий песок.


Автор ответа: н83
Пустыня похожа на желтое море. Только вместо воды - песок, вместо волн - песчаные холмы, барханы, а вместо белой пены на волнах - серые кустики саксаула. Жаркое синее небо над ней. А в небе белое раскаленное солнце. Ни прохлады, ни тени вокруг. Сухие пучки колючей травы. Почерневшие камни. Горячий песок. Но и в пустыне есть жизнь. Особая, удивительная. Жизнь на песке.
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: рипота
1)to approve. It must be approved by the Federal Assembly.
2) to adopt. The Russian flag was adopted in 1991.
3) a stripe. The flag has three stripes.
4) freedom. The red colour on the flag symbolizes the freedom.
5)an eagle. An eagle is a bird.
6)a fortress. Moscow was founded as a fortress.
7) an invasion. Moscow was ruined during the Tartar invasion.
8)gradually. The rare books were gradually collected by him.
9) to destroy. The city was destroyed by the fascist.
10) a bridge. There are a lot of bridges over the Moskva river.
11) an event, a historic event. Many historic events have left their traces on the city's face.
12)a government. The Prime Minister is at the head of the government.
13)a cathedral. Moscow is known for its beautiful cathedral.
14)abroad. I have never been abroad. I have travelled only in Russia.
15)a dome. Red Square is famous for its multidomed St Basil's Cathedral.
16) to be proud of. We are proud of our capital.
17) magnificent. We are proud of our beautiful and magnificent capital.
18)legislative, executive,judicial. The federal government includes three branches :legislative, executive, judicial.
19)a chamber. The Federal Assembly consist of two chambers :the Council of Federation and the State Duma.
20)to belong. The executive power belongs to the government.
21)a court. The judicial power is represented by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, and the regional courts.
22)useful. To know the history of any country is useful.
23)the reign,to reign. It was during the reign of Catherine the Great.
Предмет: Математика, автор: sabina9022