Предмет: Биология, автор: ZloyToxaAae

Строение и функции ДНК.
Кратко (около 10-15 предложений)


Автор ответа: Ancaria
Строение ДНК состоит из двойной спирали,сложенной двумя длинными лентами,чередующихся молекул сахара (или дезоксирибозы) и фосфатных групп.
ДНК -- полимер,состоящий из мономеров-нуклеотидов.

Функции ДНК:
1) Хранение наследственной информации2) Передача наследственной информации из поколения в поколения3) Роль матрицы в процессе передачи генетической информации к месту синтеза белка

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From Europe to Asia.

Sometimes when people return from a journey, they have a problem - their friends do not believe their stories. "You're exaggerating!" "Don't be silly, you can't have done all those things!" "Nothing is as big/beautiful/wonderful/dangerous as that!"

From Venice to China

Marco Polo had this problem. He travelled from Venice to China in the th century. He went with his father and jis uncle, who were merchants. Marco went with them on their second trip, when he was 17. They carried messages and gifts from the Pope in Rome to the Great Khan, the ruler of China.

It was an incredible journey. Sometimes they had to change direction because of local wars. They went east by horse, by ship and on foot. They travelled through Georgia, and along the edge of the Caspian Sea into Persia (Iran). Marco was ill, and they stopped for a year before they crossed the high Pamir Mountains. They had to cross the Gobi Desert, too. Finally, nearly four years after leaving Venice, the Polos arrived at the court of the Great Khan. He greeted them warmly.

A marvelous Country!

Marco was very impressed with China. He travelled a lot and even worked as a tax collector for three years, and as a diplomat. He went to Burma and India, as well as to other part of China. And wherever he went, he wrote down the things that he saw. He described the different cultures and ways of life.

Marco also described the things that were new for him: paper money, coal, and the postal service. Paper money was very practical - it was lighter to carry than metal coins. He noticed that the Cninese took lots of baths and used coal to heat their bathhouses. To deliver messages through this enormous country, there were three different levels of postal service. Europe didn not have any of these things!

The Polos stayed in China for 17 years and became very rich. Finally, they decided to leave. They went by sea for much of the journey and risked pirates and sickness. Finally, they arrived back in Venice. They had a lot of good stories to tell.

The Last Chapter

However, Marco's adventures were not over! Three years later, he fought in a sea battle between Venice and Genova, and was captured. He spent a year in prison. Here, he met a writer called Rustichello, who persuaded him to dictate his stories about China.

This book "The Travels of MArco Polo", became very popular. People said the stories were not true - but they were good stories. They called Marco "II Milione" - all his facts were full of big numbers! However, when he died, he said "I have only told the half of what I have seen".
Предмет: Математика, автор: muramo