Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Аноним

. Paraphrase using the appropriate form of the Infinitive.

Model: He is sorry that he has said it. → He is sorry to have said it.
1. Ann is glad that she has done all the work yesterday. 2. I am pleased that
I am speaking with you. 3. We should be happy if we could join you. 4.
They were sorry that they had missed one-day excursion to London. 5. I
hope that I will know everything by tomorrow. 6. My sister will be delighted
when she is wearing a dress as lovely as that. 7. He was proud that he had
passed the exam successfully. 8. Don’t promise that you will do it, if you
are not sure that you can. 9. The tourists were glad, that they were shown
around and told a lot of interesting facts about St. Paul’s Cathedral. 10. It is
certain that it will rain if you don’t take your umbrella. 11. He expected that
he would be listened to attentively.


Автор ответа: nunny
1. Ann is glad to have done all the work yesterday.
2. I am pleased to be speaking with you. 3. We should be happy to be able to join you.
4. They were sorry to have missed one-day excursion to London.
5. I hope to know everything by tomorrow.
6. My sister will be delighted to be wearing a dress as lovely as that.
7. He was proud to have passed the exam successfully.
8. Don’t promise to do it, if you are not sure that you can.
9. The tourists were glad to have been shownaround and told a lot of interesting facts about St. Paul’s Cathedral.
10. It is certain to rain if you don’t take your umbrella.
11. He expected to be listened to attentively.

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Tarquinius Superbus, cum ex urbe expulsus esset, irā incensus ad Porsennam, Etruscorum regem, confūgit eiusque auxilium imploravit. Obsecūtus est precĭbus eius rex et ingentem exercitum contra Romanos duxit. Nunquam antea maior terror populum invasit; tantum eo tempore Porsennae nomen valuit. Ex agris in urbem demĭgrant, urbem ipsam saepiunt praesidiis. Alia urbis pars muro, alia flumine Tibĕri tuta videbatur, sed pons sublicius, qui in Tibĕri erat, hostibus iter dedisset, nisi unus vir inventus esset, Horatius Cocles. Is, cum hostes repentīnum impĕtum in pontem fecissent, extrēmam pontis partem occupavit et, singulos retĭnens, conclamavit: «Vos pontem rescindĭte, ego impetum hostium excipiam». Inde, dum cetĕri pontem rescindunt, ipse hostes sustinuit, qui, clamorem tollentes, undĭque in unum tela coniciebant. Cum autem pons deletus esset neque ulla via Etruscis in urbem patēret, Cocles: «Tiberīne pater», inquit, «te pie precor, haec arma et hunc militem propitius tuo flumine accipias». Haec dicens armatus in Tibĕrim se proiēcit et, quamquam multa tela in eum coniciebantur, incolŭmis ad suos tranāvit. Itaque discedentes Etrusci dicere potuērunt: «Romanos vicĭmus, ab Horatio victi sumus». Grata erga tantam virtutem civitas fuit: statua in comitio posĭta, agri, quantum uno die circumarāvit, datum.

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