Доклад про биатлон на английском языке
Biathlon is a Winter Olympic sport that combines ski race with shooting a rifle. Biathlon is most popular in Germany, Russia, Austria, Norway, France and Sweden. Since 1993 to the present, the official international biathlon competitions, including the World Cup and World Championships, are held under the auspices of the International Biathlon Union (English International Biathlon Union, IBU - SME). The ancestor of the biathlon competitions are considered military patrols - a kind of sport, the rules of which resemble the modern biathlon team race. Today, there are many varieties of biathlon, a combination of: cross country skiing and shooting sports bow (Acher biathlon), race on snowshoes and rifle shooting (biathlon snowshoe), race on hunting skis and shooting a hunting rifle (hunting biathlon). Among non winter biathlon there is Summer Biathlon which combines running and shooting (cross biathlon), race on roller skis and shooting (roller ski biathlon), and race on mountain-bikes and shooting (biathlon on mountain-bikes). Of all the varieties of biathlon only "classic" winter and summer biathlon (three varieties of it ) are supervised by SMEs.