Предмет: Русский язык, автор: RockForever123

40 баллов !Морфологический разбор служебных частей речи : то, и, через, к
Вот предложение : «Рань-то какая! » -- подумала Варюша и потихоньку пошла прямо босиком через поле к лесу.


Автор ответа: tanyacool
То-частица, для смягчения треб.,относ. к слову рань, выделяя его из текста
И -союз, простой, служит для связи однородных членов, сочинительный, соединительный
Через -предлог, пространственный, произв. от наречия, относ. к слову поле,употр.  с винит. падежом, имеет знач.образа места
К- предлог, непроизв., относ. к дополнению, употр. с дательным падежом, имеет дополн.знач.
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: СэмТV
Translate the same in Russian. 1. By law children in Moldova must receive full-time education at state schools from the age of 6 or 7 to 16. 2. Some private schools came into being in the last 10 years for pupils from well-off families. 3. Most children, before attending school proper, go to kindergartens. 4. During the first four years children get a primary education: they learn to read, write, count and draw. 5. They also have classes of music, physical education and handicrafts. 6. As a rule, primary schools are not separated from secondary schools. 7. There are large schools that combine both primary and secondary education departments under one roof. 8. Nevertheless, there are separate primary schools on finishing of which the pupils pass on to any larger secondary school. 9. The course of secondary education is, in its turn, subdivided into two stages: the first stage that is called gymnasium, and the second one - lyceum. 10. The gymnasium stage is compulsory and includes forms from 5 to 9. 11. During this stage of education pupils get a basic knowledge in the Romanian language and literature, a foreign language, mathematics, physics, chemistry, history, geography, biology, and they also have classes of music, art and physical training. 12. A computer course is also included in the syllabus. 13. On finishing the gymnasium course of studies, certificates are handed in to the pupils who may then go to colleges or vocational and technical schools. 14. They may stay on at secondary school, in its second stage - lyceum, for another 3 years. 15. The vocational or technical schools provide professional training. 16. The lyceum syllabus offers a great number of subjects so that teenagers could choose them basing on individual inclinations and abilities. 17. On completing the lyceum course of studies, diplomas are handed in to the school - leavers who may the go to Universities.
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