Предмет: Биология, автор: nastay19990930

Клеточная теория М.Шлейдена и Т.Шванна. Особенности строения эукариотической и прокариотической клетки..


Автор ответа: danielk1
Эукариоты: Имеют ядро, спиральная молекула ДНК. Из органелл - аппарат Гольджи, лизосомы, рибосомы, Эндоплазматическая сеть, Митохондрии и пр.
Прокариоты: Вместо ядра - нуклеоид с кольцевой молекулой ДНК. Из органоидов остались только рибосомы.

nastay19990930: спасибо)
danielk1: Не за что)) всегда рад помочь... Просто очень люблю биологию))
nastay19990930: мм)) ее сдавать на экзаменах буду...
nastay19990930: это был один из билетов
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Ребята помогите срочно!!!! Это к/р по английскому

The Cheap Apartment A. I don't want a new apartment.
B. The company builds the skyscraper behind the old building.
C. Jean's apartment is in an old building.
D. Her son sends her this sum of money every month.
E. Every day the people come back with more money.
F. Some people from the company visit Jean.
G. The skyscraper has an old building in front of it.
Jean Herman lives in an apartment in New York City. Jean's apartment is small, but she likes it. The apartment is cheap; Jean pays only $200 a month. (1) One day a big company buys the old building. The company wants to tear down the old building and build a skyscraper. (2) "We're going to tear down this building," the people tell Jean. "So, you have to move. Here is a check for $50,000. You can find a new apartment —a big, beautiful apartment." "(3)" Jean says. "I like this apartment. I'm not going to move," Jean doesn't take the check. The next day the people come back with a check for $ 100,000. Jean doesn't take .the check, "I'm not going to move," she says. (4) Jean doesn't take their checks. Finally the people come with a check for $750,000. "Please take the money and move," the people say. "I'm not going to move," Jean says. "Not for $750,000. Not for a million dollars. Not for ten million dollars. I like this apartment. It's my home." Jean doesn't move, and the company doesn't tear down the building. (5) And so, on East 60th Street in New York there is an unusual skyscraper. (6) Jean Herman lives alone in the old building. Her apartment is small, but Jean likes is. The apartment is cheap; Jean pays only $200 a month.

Задание: Расставить 6 номеров предложений с 6 буквами ( их 7-1 из них неверный)