Предмет: Геометрия, автор: laroljd

В треугольнике ABC, в котором угол A=60 градусов, угол B=80 градусов, проведена биссектриса AD. Найдите углы треугольника ACD

laroljd: Помогите пожалуйста. Срочно нужно
666unicorn666: сейчас все будет
laroljd: оо, спасибо огромное)


Автор ответа: 666unicorn666
биссектриса делит угол по палам так что углы BAD и CAD
по св углов в тр угол С = 180-80-60=40
рассмотрим тр ACD
уголADC= 180-40-30=110
ответ : угол д=110, а=30, с=40

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Pedro : To come back to your story, Olaf, what did your father say?
Olaf : Oh, he was very good about it. he said I could go to the best art teacher in Stockholm and have some lessons. Well, after a week or two the teacher told me that it was a waste of time for him to go on teaching me. "You will never be a painter," he said, "not if you live to be a hundred. Don't come for any more lessons. Go back to your office."
Pedro : Well, that was honest enough, but rather hard on you.
Olaf : Oh, I didn't mind. I told him that I knew he was right.
Pedro : So you went to your father's office then?
Olaf : Yes. My father was very pleased and said he wanted me to spend a year there to get a good knowledge of the organization of the business. "At the end of a year," he said, " you can go to my friend, Mr.Priestley , to learn English well. " You see, we do a lot of business with England. He added that when I knew English well, he would arrange for me to go into an English firm to learn English business methods.
Pedro : So I suppose that some day you will be managing a shipping business in Stockholm.
Olaf : Well, my father said that in nine or ten years' time he wanted to retire, and he hoped that by that time I should be able to run the business.
Pedro : That sounds fine.
Olaf : Yes, I shall be very proud when I can write to you on paper headed :
Gustav Petersen & Son,
Shipping Agents,
and say, "Come and spend a holiday with me in Sweden."
Hob : I must tell you another story about Miguel Macasso. One day a very wealthy American, Hiram Boost, came to Macasso - you may have heard of Boost, he's in films - and he said he had bought , sectretly, a valuable 16th century "old master." He said, "I know that the English Government won't let me take it out of England, but I have a plan to get round that. I want you topaint a picture - it doesn't matter bwhat it is - on top of the 'old master'." Hiram then explained that he could quite easily get Macasso's picture removed from the canvas when he got to New York, without damaging the painting underneath. Well , Macasso painted a picture of a London gas-works on it, and old Boost got the canvas to New York all right and sent it to the firm he knew to have Macasso's painting removed. About a week later he got a telegram from the firm . It said : " We have removed the picture of Lonsdon gas-works, also 'old master', and are now down to a portrait of Queen Victoria. When do you want us to stop?"