Предмет: Геометрия, автор: hanaru1

діагональ осьового перерізу зрізаного конуса дорівнює 10 см, радіус основ - 2 см і 4 см. Обчисліть площу осьового перерізу зрізаного конуса. Помогите решить.

kirichekov: в осевом сечении конуса не может быть диагонали, т.к. осевое сечение конуса- треугольник
kirichekov: теперь правильное условие


Автор ответа: kirichekov
осевое сечение конуса равнобедренная трапеция
a=2см, b=4 см, h-?
СМ и ВК высоты трапеции
МД=1 см
прямоугольный ΔАМС: по теореме Пифагора 
10²=1²+СМ²,  СМ²=99
СМ=3√11 см
S=9√11 см²
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Nepsha1
Помогите пожалуйста
5 Choose the correct answer

1. The university of Michigan is one of the best universities in the United States and it ..... in Ann Arbor.
​is located
2. Detroit ..... Motown in the past.
​was called
​is called
3. I don't think we must ..... everything tomorrow.
​have finished
​be finished
4. The bridge ..... by tomorrow morning.
​will have been reconstructed
​is being reconstructed
​will be reconstructed
5. Robert Burns ..... a lot of wonderful poems.
​has written
​was written
6. They ..... this clock now.
​are repairing
​are being repaired
7. America's first college, Harvard, ..... in Massachusetts in 1636.
​is being founded
​had been founded
​was founded
8. It's a big company. It ..... two hundred people.
​is employed
9. Hundreds of people ..... by the new factory this year.
​are employed
​were employed
​have been employed
10. The room ..... later.
​will clean
​will be cleaned
​has been cleaned
11. People ..... this road very often.
​aren't used
​don't use
​haven't used
12. Tom ..... his key.
​has lost
​has been lost
​was lost
13. Weekends ..... outdoors by most English people.
​are spended
​are spent
14. Detroit ..... as the first capital city of Michigan, but now Lansing is the capital city of Michigan.
​was chosen
​have been chosen
15. This house ..... in 1930.
​was built
​has built