Предмет: География, автор: alyaloseva02

Ваш корабль движется из порта Кейптаун в северном направлении вдоль берегов Африки. какие географические объекты вы можете увидеть на берегу, если ваше плавание закончится в городе Александрии.

slmmos: По западным или восточным берегам на север движение?
alyaloseva02: в северном
alyaloseva02: с юга на запад, на север, на восток, на юг
alyaloseva02: по часовой стрелки


Автор ответа: slmmos
Отплывая из Порта Кейптаун мы видим 
Устье реки Оранжевой
Жаркий воздух пустыни Намиб
Дельту реки Конго и слышим  рокот водопада Ливингстон
Возвышается вулкан Камерун
Устье реки Нигер
Западный мыс Альмади
Устье реки Синегал
Гибралтарский пролив
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Iruska1802
Grammar Skills Check
1. This trip was ___ than the last one.
a) more fun b) funner c) BOTH ARE OK
2. My brother is _____ than I am.
a) more wealthy b) wealthier c) BOTH ARE OK
3. I always ______ before I go to sleep.
a) am reading b) read c) was reading
4. She ____ right now.
a) speaks b) is speaking c) am speaking
5. This time next week I _____ (drink) wine in Argentina.
a) will be drinking b) will drink c) will to drink
6. She doesn’t realize what kind of a person he is, but she ______ (find out).
a) will be finding out b) will find out c) will to find out
7. John ____ in San Diego for the past 3 years (and he still lives there).
a) lived b) was lived c) has lived
8. I ____ in love three times in my life.
a) was being b) was c) have been
9. Every time I see that movie, it ____ (make) me cry.
a) has made b) made c) makes
10. Where _____ last night?
a) have you gone b) did you went c) did you go
11. I ____ to music when she came in. (to listen)
a) was listening b) listened c) have been listening
12. Robin Hood was the character who ____ from the rich and gave to the poor.
a) stole b) was stealing c) steals
13. I ____ in a small town in Italy.
a) have been born b) was born c) am born
14. Smoking is bad ____ you.
a) at b) for c) on
15. Your brother is really good _____ tennis.
a) with b) on c) at
16. I’m not really interested ____ this kind of music.
a) on b) of c) in
17. ______ the teacher explain this properly?
a) Did b) Was c) Had
18. ______ you spoken to him before he called you?
a) Had b) Did c) Were
19. My sister and I ______ twins.
a) are b) am c) is
20. That _____ a really good movie.
a) are b) am c) is
Предмет: Геометрия, автор: proytopchik