Предмет: Математика, автор: taha2002

В двух бидонах 28 л жидкости. Если из первого бидона перелить 2 л жидкости во второй бидон , то объем жидклсти в обоих бидонах будет одинаковым.

Сколько литров жидкости было каждом бидоне первоначально?
способом подстановки или сложения пожалуйста


Автор ответа: рашид00000
1) 28:2=14 (по 14(л) жидкости станет в одном бидоне)                                      2) 14-2=12(л) жидкости было во втором бидоне                                                 3) 14+2=16(л) жидкости было в первом бидоне                                                    Ответ: В первом бидоне было 16(л) жидкости, во 2 бидоне было 12(л) жидкости первоначально.

taha2002: мне нужно способом сложения или подстановки
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: sarinasergeeva
Тест Английский язык 8 класс «Конкурс Я Лингвист»

1. Укажите верный вариант
А. I don't want go tonight out in case John to phone.
Б. I don't want to go out tonight in case John phones.
В. I don't want to go out tonight in case John will phone.
Г. I don't want going tonight out in case John to phone.
2. Укажите неверный вариант
А. few cars;
Б. a little time;
В. a few chairs;
Г. a little men.
3. Mike followed Ann like a shadow, ____________?
А. hasn’t he;
Б. isn’t he;
В. didn't he;
Г. doesn’t he.
4. Укажите верный вопрос к ответу «Yes, I did that yesterday».
А. Have you cancelled the paper?
Б. Why did you talk to Helen?
В. Has he been to the cafe?
Г. Are you going to the theatre?
5. Many people are afraid of flying _________flying is much safer than travelling by car.
А. when;
Б. if;
В. whether;
Г. although.
6. Workoutroom - ____________?
А. a place to relax;
Б. a place to work;
В. a place to cook;
Г. a place to exercise.
7. Если ты мне позвонишь, я тебе кое-что расскажу.
А. If you ring me up, I shall tell you something.
Б. If you rang me up, I should tell you something.
В. If you rung me up, I tell you something.
Г. If you rang me up, I should you something tell.
8. Укажите верный вариант
А. I start dance when I 17 was; so I dancing for 10 years.
Б. I starting to dance when I was 17; so I been dancing for 10 year.
В. I started dancing when I was 17; so I’ve been dancing for 10 years.
Г. I started to dancing when I was 17; so I have been dancing 10 years.
9. The longest street in New York
А. Wall Street;
Б. 42nd Street;
В. Broadway;
Г. Connecticut Avenue.
10. Укажите верный вариант
А. New Zealand is as more far away as the Russia.
Б. New Zealand is further away than Russia.
В. New Zealand is the further away of Russia.
Г. New Zealand is furthest away till the Russia.
11. Не может быть и речи о том, чтобы идти туда.
А. It is the question off going there.
Б. It’s of a question there to go.
В. It is the question out of to go there.
Г. It’s out of the question to go there.
12. _________ are two countries separated by the same language. /George Bernard Shaw
А. Russia and Cina;
Б. Australia and New Zealand;
В. England and America;
Г. China and Japan.
13. Употребите глагол в отрицательной форме в страдательном залоге. We don't unload the trucks during the day.
А. The trucks aren't unloaded during the day.
Б. The trucks don't unloaded during the day.
В. The trucks haven’t unloading during the day.
Г. The trucks didn't unload during the day.
14. Укажите лишнее
А. buyer;
Б. counter;
В. shopper;
Г. customer.
15. He ___________ the book by 10 o’clock yesterday.
А. written;
Б. has read;
В. wrote;
Г. had read.
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