Предмет: Русский язык, автор: vladmansurov2

Синтаксический разбор предложения :На табличках были написаны мудреные названия : питтоспорум ,пёстроокаймлённая юкка , эвкалипт , лавровишня

vladmansurov2: много писать???
vladmansurov2: нет
Mashenkamizani: не много, я просто с обьяснениями вам пишу
vladmansurov2: спасибобольшое
vladmansurov2: а то блин завтра сдать надо


Автор ответа: antonliakhovskii

На табличках (_._._) были написаны= мудреные (~) названия (ОС): питтоспорум (однород.), пёстроокаймлённая (~) юкка (однород.), эвкалипт (однород.), лавровишня (однород.).

Повествовательное, невосклицательное, простое, двусоставное, распространённое, полное, осложнено однородными дополнениями.

Схема [ = _ : О,  О, О, О ].

О - однородные подлежащие

Главные члены предложения: подлежащее и сказуемое=.

Второстепенные члены предложения: определение (~), обстоятельство (_._._).

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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: мазимка
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Floy was a college student and, like most students, she didn’t have much
money. It was going to be her mother’s birthday soon and Floy wanted to buy her a
nice but not a very expensive present.

Floy’s college was in London, but she lived in the country, so every day she had to
take the train in the morning and in the evening.

A week before her mother’s birthday she decided to. have lunch quickly and
then to go shopping near the college. She went from one shop to another trying to
find her mother a nice present. But all the things F loy liked were expensive for her.
At last she came across a shop that was selling umbrellas cheap. Floy knew that her
mother needed an umbrella because she had lost hers the month before. She chose a
black umbrella as you can use it with any colour of your clothes.

On her way back home in the train she felt hungry, so she went to the buffet car to
have a cup of coffee and a sandwich. There were no passengers in her compartment
when she left it but when she returned there were three.

Floy looked‘around and when she didn’t see the umbrella she began to cry. The
other passengers felt sorry for her and asked, “What’s the matter?”

She explained that the black umbrella she had bought for her mother had

The three passengers asked Floy for her mother’s address. They said, “We’ll send
the umbrella to your mother’s address if someone who took the umbrella by mistake
will return it.”

The next week F loy got a letter from her mother. The letter said, “Thank you for
your present, but why did you send me three black umbrellas?”
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: dashaivanina