Предмет: Алгебра, автор: lrug97

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Автор ответа: Bolatakerke
Автор ответа: крылатка2002
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Julisi7
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In Britain, most people who fall ill are treated at home by their family doctors. Not all illnesses can be treated at home; however, so many people are admitted to hospital at some time during their lives. They are admitted either as arranged admissions or as emergency admissions.

A patient who goes into hospital as an arranged admis­sion has previously attended an out-patients' clinic to which he has been sent by his family doctor. At the clinic he is examined, his previous history is taken and all the necessary investigations are carried out. If admis­sion is recommended, his name is put on a waiting list and when a bed in an appropriate ward becomes va­cant, he is sent a letter which tells him when to report to the hospital for admission. With this letter, most hos­pitals enclose a leaflet telling the patient what he will need while he is in hospital. The leaflet also outlines the general ward routine and gives details of visiting hours.


Nowadays, many people go into hospital as a result of accidents or sudden illnesses. These patients are called emergency admissions. They are often seriously ill and in need of immediate care and attention. Unlike arranged admissions, little or nothing is known about emergency admissions or their previous histories. They are usually taken to the casualty and emergency department by ambulance. They are often unconscious. Sometimes they are accompanied by friends or relatives who are able to supply at least their personal particulars. In the casualty department, they are examined and the necessary emergency treatment is carried out. If

possible their previous histories are taken. The appro­bate ward is notified that a patient is being sent up so hat the necessary preparations can be made.

аdmission – прийняття на лікування в стаціонар

to fall ill – захворіти

to treat – лікувати

family doctor – сімейний лікар

illness – хвороба, захворювання

to be admitted to hospital – бути прийнятим на лікування в стаціонар

arranged admissions – планована госпіталізація

emergency admission – термінова госпіталізація

previously – заздалегідь, раніше

to attend – доглядати

waiting list – список осіб, які очікують

appropriate – відповідний, доречний

to report to the hospital – з’явитися до лікарні

to enclose – вкладати, прикладати

leaflet – листівка

to outline – накреслити в загальних рисах

routine – заведений порядок

accident – нещасний випадок

sudden – раптовий