Предмет: Русский язык, автор: elenaskovorodkina

как переноситя слово замуж?


Автор ответа: fyfyfcbr09
За - муж
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Автор ответа: BlackStar14
За - муж
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26I ....... a new digital camera. I’m sure we’lltake nice pictures with it.Ahave boughtBhave been buyingChaven’t bought27The girl ....... father is a dentist is my bestfriend.Awhose BwhichCwho28The government is trying to ....... pollution byusing various methods.AreduceBemitCburn29Can I have ....... water, please?AsomeBa fewCno30You can look ....... any unknown words.AafterBforward toCup 31I can do it ....... . Thank you.AmyselfBherselfCyourself32My mum’s hair is ....... and curly. It’s reallynice!Amiddle-agedBshoulder-lengthCslim 33I saw a ....... that was very funny.AthrillerBromanceCcomedy34Christopher is ....... of dogs.Ascary BscaringCscared 35The ....... at the shop decided to have a staffmeeting.Ashop assistantBcashierCmanager36If we continue to pollute the environment,many endangered species ....... extinct.Awill become BbecomeCare becoming37Peter is more talented ....... Tim.AfromBthanCthen38This is the shop ....... we bought the laptop.AwhyBwhenCwhere39Use the watering ....... to water the flowers.AbagBcanCgloves40He ....... of buying a new pair of sunglasses.Athinks Bis thinkingCare thinking41This song was in the top ten on the music ..... .AscriptsBplotsCcharts42When I was young, we ....... board games onFriday nights.Aused to play BplayCwere playing43We should take the children ....... for a walk.It’s a lovely day!AoutBawayCoff44There is ....... traffic in the morning.Aheavy BslimCthin 45He has been living here ....... fifteen years.AonBsinceCfor46Peter was watching a documentary when thephone ....... .AringsBrangChave rang47I went to Berlin two years ....... .AsinceBbeforeC ago48We bought some crayons from the ....... shop.AhomewareBstationeryCjewellery49Bob argued ....... his brother over the footballmatch.AfromBbyCwith50We ....... take photos in the museum. It’s notallowed!Amustn’t BmustCshould51If you wake up early, you ....... late for work.AbeBaren’t beingCwon’t be52You ....... all night. You must be exhausted!A’ve studiedBare studyingC’ve been studying53I can hear the birds singing from their ....... .AnestBladderCnet54We can ....... a party for your birthday. It’llbe fun!AthrowBpractiseCmove