Предмет: Английский язык, автор: MrCrosser

Сочинение на английском
Спорт в Казахстане


Автор ответа: anacondaVIP
Kazakhstan pays great attention to the development of Olympic and national sports. Famous athletes-Kazakhs than once brought the country an Olympic medal, and the master of national sports is able to surprise the skill of not only tourists, but also their own countrymen.

Kazakhstan is the country which received the right to host the winter Asian games, which took place in 2011.
January 5, 2006, Almaty was selected as the venue of the Games, and 29 October 2007 part of the competition was moved from Almaty to Astana.
4 March 2006 in Kuwait between the Olympic Council Asia, represented by President Sheikh Ahmad al-Fahad al-Sabah, the city of Almaty presented by Mr akim Tasmagambetov and the National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, represented by President Mr. Dosymbetova trilateral agreement was signed - a Contract with the city-the organizer.
In 2007, for both economic and political reasons, the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan suggested the WASP to organize the 7th Asian Winter Games in the two main cities of Kazakhstan - Astana, capital of Kazakhstan, Almaty.
20 October 2008 in Bali was concluded and signed supplementary agreement between the Olympic Council of Asia, represented by President Sheikh Ahmad al-Fahad al-Sabah, Astana, represented the new Governor Mr. Tasmagambetov (former akim of Almaty, Almaty city, introducing the new Governor Mr simovil and the National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, represented by President Mr. Dosmukhambetov, also Minister of tourism and sports. This agreement indicates that the host cities of the 7th winter Asian games 2011 will be the cities of Astana and Almaty.
At the VII Winter Asian games (Asian games-2011), held in Astana and Almaty in January-February 2011, the owners managed to raise such a crop of medals that he amazed even the most experienced sports commentators. In the Asian games then participated strongest teams from 26 countries. However, after the competition, Kazakhstan was in the lead in the medal standings: athletes brought to the team 32 gold, 21 silver and 17 bronze medals. The previous record of 29 gold medals belonged to the national team of Japan. It was established back on I Asian Winter games in Sapporo in 1986 and until last year remained unsurpassed.
Many Asian countries put the Asian games in a row with Olympic, so the preparation and conduct of such a big event will once again demonstrate the leading position of Kazakhstan in various fields of activity and will be a visual confirmation of the multidimensionality of the achievements of the country.
The sport was established by President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev as a means of recognition on the international arena. Since the mid-90s of the last century Kazakh athletes began to participate in the Asian games.
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Hurra, die Schule geht los!

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ihre Kinder keine Ziele haben

in Zukunft besser

kennt dieses Problem

dass im nächsten Schuljahr alles

kleine Erfolge sind

nur die Eltern motiviert

wieder verlieren
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