Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Аиси

Звуко буквенный разбор к слову сквозь.


Автор ответа: Elenarb50

с- согл., тверд., глух., парн.

к- согл., тверд., глух., парн.

в- согл., твер., звон., парн.

о- гласн., ударн.

с"- согл., мягк., глух., парн.

6 букв, 5 звук.

Автор ответа: UZHITEL
Сквозь - наречие
[С]-согл.,глух.,парн.,[c/з],мягк.,парн.,[с/c ']
[К]-согл.,глух.,парн.[к/г],тв.,парн., [к/к ']
[З]-согл.,звонк.,парн.,[з/с],тв.,парн., [з/з ']
[Ь]-не имеет звука
6 букв, 5 звуков, 1 слог

Похожие вопросы
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20 Баллов , Плиз помгите решить , СРОЧНО , ЗАРАНЕЕ СПАСИБО :DDD

1 - Match the following types of shops (1-4) with the things they sell (А-E). There is one extra choice.

1. toy shop

2. post office

3. newsagent’s

4. chemist’s

А. dolls, teddy bears, water guns

B. papers, greeting cards, cigarettes

C. sausages, lamb, chicken

D. stamps, envelopes, postcards

E. plasters, drugs, toothbrushes

2 - Match the phrases (1-6) with their translations (A-F).

1. Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to… ?

2. I’m looking for…

3. Do you have a map?

4. It’s this way.

5. Sorry, I don’t know…

6. It’ll be on your left.

A. Я ищу…

B. Извините, я не знаю…

C. Это будет слева от вас.

D. Простите, вы не подскажете как добраться до … ?

E. Это сюда.

F. У вас есть карта?

3 - Put in a/an or some where necessary. If no word is necessary, leave the space empty.

1) I've seen ___________ good films recently.

2) What's wrong with you? Have you got __________ headache?

3) I know a lot of people. Most of them are____________students.

4) When I was_____________child, I used to be very shy.

5) Would you like to be_____________actor?

6) Do you collect______________stamps?

7) What___________beautiful garden!

8)________birds, for example the penguin, cannot fly.

9) I've been walking for three hours. I've got_________sore feet.

Put in a/an or the in these sentences where necessary.

1) Would you like apple?

2) How often do you go to dentist?

3) Could you close door, please?

4) I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. It was mistake

5) Excuse me, where is bus station, please?

6) I've got problem. Can you help me?
Предмет: Право, автор: misterkatsv