Предмет: Литература, автор: tstorogeva

помогите придумать историю про робота, как он помогал людям


Автор ответа: Mrak23
Вот-вот не успели оглянуться как наступил 21 век, новые технологии и всё такое. И вот государство решило купить робота, который будеть ходить по домам и выполнять те нужды людей, которые им не по силам. И вот его купили у соседних стран Европы-германия.Он ходил по домам и совершенно бесплатно выполнял тяжёлый труд.Люди были очень благодарны новому спасителю!
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Есения160399
Нужен перевод текста. Не компьютерный!!!
The UK is a parliamentary monarchy. This means that is has a monarch (a king or a queen) as Head of State. The UK is a monarchy in from, but a parliamentary democracy in substance. The powers of the monarch are not defined precisely. The sovereign is head of state, and as such is of the legislature, the executive, and temporal head of the established Church of England. The Queen of the UK is also the Head of the Commonwealth, and so the Queen of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and other countries, included into the Commonwealth, an association of former members of the British Empire and Britain. In practice, however, gradually evolving restrictions have transformed the sovereign's legal powers into instruments for effecting the popular will as expressed through Parliament. In the British formulation, the sovereign reigns, but does not rule, for the sovereign is under the law and not above it, ruling only by approval of Parliament and acting only on the advice of her ministers. But everything today is done in the Queen's name. It is her government, her armed forces, her law courts, and so on. Formally, a king or a queen has the right to dissolve Parliament and appoint a Prime Minister. (Incidentally, they have never once exercised that prerogative.) It goes without saying that real power is exercised by the Parliament and the government. But it would be a mistake to dismiss the real life impacts exerted by the Crown on society's political and moral climate. Possessing untold wealth, and maintaining extensive links and relations in the country's highest strata of society, and disposing of endless information (Buckingham Palace regularly receives top-secret government documents), the Queen and the members of the Royal family exert a tangible (though imperceptible) influence on the shaping and formulating of both foreign and formulating of both foreign and home policy. The Queen is very rich, as are other members of the Royal family. In addition, the government pays for her expenses as Head of State, for a royal yacht, train and aircraft, as well as for the upkeep of several palaces. The Queen's image appears on stamps, notes, coins. Queen Elizabeth II is the fourth sovereign of the House of Windsor. She was born in London 21 April 1926 and was crowned at Westminster 2 June 1953, after her father's (King George VI) death in 1952. In 1947, as the Princess Elizabeth she married Philip Mountbatten, who was created Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. They have four children : Charles (Prince of Wales), Princess Anne (the Princess Royal ), Andrew ( Duke of york) and Prince Edward. Her Majesty is the sixth sovereign queen of Britain. In 2002 she celebrated her Gold Jubilee. Since the Norman Conquest only 14 sovereigns have reigned for more than 25 years.
Предмет: Українська мова, автор: Віолeтточка