Предмет: География, автор: МихаилКаранинский

Какие животные живут в лугах Брянской области?


Автор ответа: SWAGFOX16

Автор ответа: bodnaryuk84
Богатство и разнообразие животного мира Брянской области объясняется тем, что на ее территории имеются элементы различных ландшафтно-географических зон: участки таежных, смешанных и широколиственных лесов, участки лесостепного ландшафта и так называемой культурной степи.
Лучшим местом обитания животных является лес. Здесь и обилие пищи, и много удобных мест для устройства жилищ, и густые заросли, где можно надежно укрыться от врагов.

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Read the text and choose the correct options to fill in the gaps.

As it was New Year’s Eve, my friends and (1) _______________ decided to celebrate it in a particular way. And the only idea, which came to us, was to go to the theatre. The first trouble we faced with was that almost all the tickets (2) ____________ sold out long before. So we had to buy seats at the gallery, (3) ___________ I prefer orchestra stalls or the seats at the center of the pit at least. At last the day of the performance came. When we entered the hall all our anxieties fade away. Though the seats were far from the stage we had a wonderful view of it. Soon the bell rang and the show began. It lasted for 3 hours during which I (4) ____________ forgot about everything.

To my mind, the play was splendid. The stage director tried to combine all the repertoire of the theatre in (5) __________ play and no wonder it was a success.

The cast acted rather naturally, but the main actor was the best. He had several roles in the play and I was (6) _____________ impressed by his ability to identify with the character in such a short term. Due to his profound understanding of the human nature, the actor managed to convey the thinnest emotions and to depict the feeling rather vividly.

1) (Бали: 1)

А my


В myself

Г me

2) (Бали: 1)

А was

Б have been

В are

Г had been

3) (Бали: 1)

А moreover

Б though

В besides

Г in spite

4) (Бали: 1)

А complete

Б completeness

В completely

Г completed

5) (Бали: 1)

А one

Б two

В three

Г four

6) (Бали: 1)

А great

Б greatness

В greatly

Г greating

Контроль говоріння

Предмет: Алгебра, автор: Lovatic2602