Предмет: Английский язык, автор: berrlerr95

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The UK's first number two bus is to hit the road powered entirely by human and food waste.
The all new bio-bus which operates between Bath and Bristol Airport can travel up to 186 miles (299 km) in just one tank of gas which will take the annual waste up to five people to produce.
The poo-powered bus uses gases that were generated through the treatment of sewage and food waste that is unfit for human consumption.
“Of course we’re going to get the headlines… But it doesn't really run on waste. It obviously runs on the bio-product of waste. And bio-methane is not a fossil fuel. It’s infinitely renewable. All the time there are people on the planet producing waste. The bio-methane will be produced. So, it’s carbon neutral.”
The bus seats up to 40 people and the first set of passengers are expected to be tourists flying into Bristol and visiting the historic city of Bath


Автор ответа: vladchannle
Первый номер два автобуса Великобритании является смотаться питание полностью человеческим и пищевых отходов. Все новые био- автобус, который курсирует между ванной и аэропорта Бристоля может проехать до 186 миль ( 299 км) только в одном баке газа , который состоится ежегодный отходов до пяти человек, чтобы производить. Автобус мочиться питанием использует газы , которые были созданы с помощью обработки сточных вод и пищевых отходов , не предназначенной для потребления человеком. " Конечно, мы собираемся, чтобы получить заголовки ... Но это на самом деле не работают на отходах. Очевидно, работает на био- продукта отходов. И био- метан неископаемого топлива. Это бесконечно возобновляемых источников . Все раз есть люди на планете , производящие отходы.био- метана будут производиться . Таким образом, это углеродно-нейтральным " . Автобусные вмещает до 40 человек и первого набора пассажиров , как ожидается, туристы летят в Бристоле и посещение исторического города БатPervyy nomer dva avtobusa Velikobritanii yavlyayetsya smotat'sya pitaniye polnost'yu chelovecheskim i pishchevykh otkhodov. Vse novyye bio- avtobus, kotoryy kursiruyet mezhdu vannoy i aeroporta Bristolya mozhet proyekhat' do 186 mil' ( 299 km) tol'ko v odnom bake gaza , kotoryy sostoitsya yezhegodnyy otkhodov do pyati chelovek, chtoby proizvodit'. Avtobus mochit'sya pitaniyem ispol'zuyet gazy , kotoryye byli sozdany s pomoshch'yu obrabotki stochnykh vod i pishchevykh otkhodov , ne prednaznachennoy dlya potrebleniya chelovekom. " Konechno, my sobirayemsya, chtoby poluchit' zagolovki ... No eto na samom dele ne rabotayut na otkhodakh. Ochevidno, rabotayet na bio- produkta otkhodov. I bio- metan ne iskopayemogo topliva. Eto beskonechno vozobnovlyayemykh istochnikov . Vse raz yest' lyudi na planete , proizvodyashchiye otkhody. bio- metana budut proizvodit'sya . Takim obrazom, eto uglerodno-neytral'nym " . Avtobusnyye vmeshchayet do 40 chelovek i pervogo nabora passazhirov , kak ozhidayetsya, turisty letyat v Bristole i poseshcheniye istoricheskogo goroda Bat

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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: lmark01
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One day in 1777, Joseph Montgolfier was relaxing in front of the fire with his laundry drying nearby. After a while, he noticed that one of his shirts started to float upwards. The young man was curious about what happening, so he threw some small pieces of paper into the fireplace to see if the same thing happened to them. When he saw them coming out of the chimney, he came to the conclusion that smoke had the power to lift up and carry them through the air. Joseph loved science and wanted to become an inventor, so he started trying to think of a craft that would be able to capture smoke and heat and lift people off the ground. Along with his brother Jacques, he began performing experiments on something that later became the first hot-air balloon.

The Montgolfier brothers quickly realised that it was heat and not smoke that had the power to lift things. On 19th September 1783, they presented their first hot-air balloon, which was made from paper and cloth. They burned some straw underneath it and the heat helped the balloon to float. As this was its first trip, the Montgolfier brothers were too nervous to go up in the balloon themselves. So, instead they put a sheep, a duck and a chicken in the basket that hung below the balloon for the two-mile journey.

The new invention was a great success and the animals landed safe and sound. A huge crowd, including some members of the French Royal Family gathered to watch the balloon floating high in the sky. Shortly afterwards, brothers asked the king for permission to send men up in the balloon. The King agreed, and the first flight consisting of human passengers took place in Paris on 21st November 1783 with great success. The balloon reached heights of around 150 metres as it floated over the Paris rooftops, starting a long tradition of hot-air ballooning.