Предмет: Математика, автор: litapok8

11-у=6 решить с проверкой


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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: abochkin
II. Грамматический тест Choose the right answer. Only one answer is correct. 1. She seems ______________ the joke. a) to have missed b) missing c) to miss 2. The teacher wanted____________. a) that Tom quickly learned the words b) Tom learned the words quickly c) Tom to learn the words quickly 3. Don't forget _____________ the lights off. a) to switch b) switching c) and switch 4. She's taking _____________ food. That must be a sign that she's getting better. a) a little b) little c) a few 5. We enjoyed __________ our neighbours to din¬ner and we must invite them again. a) having had b) having c) to have 6. I ___________ sharply by the sound of breaking glass. a) woke up b) was woken up c) was being woken 7. Everyone wants success, ___________? a) don't they b) doesn't everybody c) doesn't he or she 8. He didn't even _________anything to her, and she didn't ____________ to him either. a) say ... speak b) speak ... say c) tell ... speak 9. If you have the scissors sharpened, ___________will cut much better. a) it b) them c) they 10. The decision has ______________ been taken. a) yet b) still c) just 11. What ___________ important information I've just learnt! a) — b) an c) a 12. Which of your two daughters __________to this school? a) do go b) does go c) goes 13. Let's buy a bottle of champagne and a bar of chocolate, ____________? a) will we b) shall we c) do we 14. I used to be able to stand on my head but I __________ do it now. a) may not b) cannot c) must not 15. I can't excuse _______________shameful behaviour. a) such a b) a such c) so 16. The kitchen is filled _____________ smoke. a) with b) by c) of 17. I ____________out of petrol on my way home. a) was running b) had run c) ran 18. The house is equipped ____________ every modern facility. a) by b) with c) from 19. "I'm afraid that tap doesn't work." — "OK. I call a plumber." a) am able to b) will c) am going to 20. When I ____________ him, I'll tell him what you said. a) see b) will see c) am seeing 21. He _________ me that I was a good student. a) told b) said c) asked 22. There must be ____________ way of solving this problem. a) the other b) other c) another 23. Round-the-world ____________ expect to be at sea for some months. a) yachtsmen b) yachtsman c) yachtsmans 24. Don is _____________ Sally — he's 18 and she's 17. a) elder than b) a bit older c) a little older than 25. If he___________ me some good advice, I would take it. a) had given b) gave c) would give 26. Prices in Moscow are ____________ in other capi¬tal cities. a) higher as b) as high as c) as high than
Предмет: ОБЖ, автор: sergey5259
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: milakotova00
12. Укажите предложение, в котором союз И соединяет части сложносочиненного предложения (запятые не расставлены).

А) Человека воспитывает и искусство и наука.

Б) Река извивалась светлой и чистой змейкой и скрывалась где-то за пригорком.

В) Туман рассеялся и очертания предметов стали четче.

Г) Луг пахнет сеном и травой и убаюкивает трескотней кузнечиков.

13. Укажите грамматически правильное продолжение предложения.

А) развиваются мышцы ног и спины;

Б) требуется немалая выносливость;

В) вы получаете большое удовольствие;

Г) у меня сломалась фара.

14. Найдите ошибку в управлении.

А) свойственен человеку В) согласно расписанию

Б) благодаря помощи соседа Г) оплатить за проезд

15. В каком случае в обоих словах после приставки пишется Ы?

А) сверх…нтересная игра, под…тожить результаты;

Б) без…скусная игра, пост…мпрессионисты;

В) меж…нститутские соревнования, без…мянные могилы;

Г) под….скать замену, раз…грать друзей.