Предмет: Алгебра, автор: Artem95533

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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Аноним
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: DackaDacka1
4. Переведите предложения с обстоятельством в роли агента
действия, производя необходимые грамматико-синтаксические
1. At ten to five it was already dark and pockets of fog made
very slow, cautious driving essential. 2. Although the official story
states that Ludwig killed himself, the circumstances of his death
have never been satisfactorily explained. 3. She was the direct target
of an attempt that killed four people and injured a further fourteen.
4. The train hit the bridge and the impact killed the driver and a
passenger. 5. After the Normans, Malta saw troubled times, attacks
by Saracens and pirates, falling by marriage and inheritance into
various hands, including those of Spain. 6. Yesterday saw the publication of not one set of crime but two. The first, the police figures,
tells of crimes reported to local police stations. The other, the British Crime Survey, records the public's experience of crime. 7. The
Renaissance saw the beginning of the great writing rift, the splitting
away of literature from everyday speech. 8. Several things explain
these differences. 9. This century has seen a long and tortuous journey towards today's liberties. 10. The Santiago summit launched
talks aimed at creating a 34-country Free-Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). 11. The headlines of Saturday, 6 June 1970 drew parallels with another case that took place less than a year earlier. 12.
The news that evening was bleak. London felt ominous, even leaderless. 13. Last week, Britain froze the charity's bank accounts and
opened an investigation into possible terrorist abuse of charitable funds. 14. Bombings in Iraq left at least 18 people dead and dozens
wounded. In the worst of the attacks, a bomb blew apart a minivan
used as a public bus in Baghdad, killing at least nine people and injuring 16, police said. 15. A survey published today finds that of the
1346 motorists questioned, 29 per cent claimed that partners criticizing their performance at the wheel was the biggest source of friction. 16. This type of cancer kills 4,000 a year and a trial suggests
that screening could extend the lives of those who develop it by
two and a half years. 17. The raid killed four civilians and a soldier.
18. Last week saw Hezbollah's guerilla force inflict further casualties
on one of the world's most powerful armies in Southern Lebanon.
19. The up-dated, fictionalized version of the story will see the
women of a Yorkshire farming community take the place of the
Hungarian villagers. 20. Some estimates suggest that the trial process has already cost close to €20 million, money that Diisseldorf's
tax payers can ill afford. 21. The following Saturday morning found
me at the Staff Development Centre. 22. This week sees the announcement of a significant advance in the science of cloning animals.
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: DackaDacka1
Переведите предложения, обращая особое внимание на
позицию группы обстоятельства и вводных конструкций.
1. Women in most countries are choosing to have fewer children
than ever before, according to a report on world population trends
released yesterday. The average number of children in families in
developing countries has fallen from six to three in 25 years. 2. The
Jersey Zoo that Durrell founded in 1959 lurched from one financial
crisis to another in the initial years. 3. Young children who sleep
with the light on are much more likely to be short-sighted when
they grow up, according to new research published yesterday. 4.
Black-cab fares in London are to rise so that taxis can meet strict
standards on pollution by 2007, the Mayor said. 5. Jesse Jackson
discussed an Izrael-Hezbollah prisoner swap with Syrian president
on Sunday in Damascus. 6. They are not allowed to own more than
49 per cent of a fishing boat under Lebanese law, or even to join
fishermen's unions; so they are even more vulnerable than many of their peers. 7. "There is no statistical correlation between stars and
success," said Abraham Ravid, a professor of economics and finance
at Rutgers University in New Jersey. Yet there is a bedrock belief
that the winning formula consists of the right star in the right
movie. 8. Several of the plotters had travelled to Pakistan within
weeks of the arrests, according to an American counterterrorism official. 9. Several of the suspects met through their involvement in
the charity, a friend of one of the suspects said. 10. Iran took in $45
billion in oil revenue last year, the Council on Foreign Relations in
New York says. 11. A new book by Pulitzer Prize-winning author
Norman Mailer — his first novel in 10 years — will be released in
January, publisher Random Mouse announced. 12. There had been a
boy among Fred's fellow pupils in the sixth form who possessed a
virtually photographic memory.