Перевести с русск. на англ.:
1.Вам не следует возражать советам ваших родителей
2.Я возражаю против невыносонамых для жизни условий
3.Вс следовало подождать ,а вы не подождали
4.Вам следовало бы настоять на правоте своих решений
5.В три часа дня вчера она лежалав кровати,читая книгу,вдруг услышала громкий шум и встала.Она выглянула из окна и увидела как грузовик только что въехал в ее новую машину
You should not mind the advice of your parents
You should wait, and you didn't wait
You should insist on the correctness of their decisions
At three o'clock yesterday she lezhalav bed, reading a book, I heard a loud noise and got up
She looked out the window and saw s truck has just moved into her new car
1. You should not object councils of your parents
2. I object to nevynosonamy conditions for life
3. Вс it was necessary to wait, and you did not wait
4. You should insist on correctness of the decisions
5. At three o'clock in the afternoon yesterday it лежалав beds, reading the book, suddenly heard loud noise and rose. She looked out of a window and saw as the truck just drove in its new car